Jim and Sam didn't mention Anthony's book signing once in 3 hours despite the screener promising me they would bring it up and hanging up on me.

1  2018-11-20 by termitetaint

You motherfucked the wrong autist, Jim.


They're two pussies just like ant

I just cant even fathom what there is to be pussies about. It's objectively funny that there were more security hired than people who wanted to support Anthony. Joe's bumbling debate outside. No your 12 listeners would rather hear rich vos take his shirt off riveting stuff you fucking faggots.

Plus they could have tried to spin it like Antifa scared the management or some bullshit.

Yeah, but the "above all else, REAL" squad dont want to acknowledge embarrassing truths about eachothers careers.

Two-pussy Tony

Jim will never truly make fun of or criticize Anthony because Anthony has a proven track record of exposing peoples secrets when he gets motherfucked

And Jimmy needs a (steady) job when this Sirius runnends

You think Compound is still going to be a thing in three years?


I don’t know why people here are always predicting the show’s demise. They took pay cuts and have enough people listening out of sheer habit to keep going for the foreseeable future.

He also won’t help him out by appearing on his show more frequently than a new moon. It’s the best of both worlds for somebody that were me. He gets to say how much she loves him and support him, without actually doing anything to help him. I mean I guess he “let’s” him appear on that awful podcast, but I highly doubt that is really helping Anthony. Ant’s fake smile and fake laughing shows how aware he is that Chip just isn’t funny.

Wait. You bought that pile of shit?

Bought? No. Read 40 pages or so - yes.


The only secret Jim has is the one we all know anyway.

Jim would just say he heard about it, didn't have any details, doesn't know anything but politics and the climate today and he can understand why some people might be upset but he just heard about it and doesn't know and oh here's our next guest the star of Black Cock Gangbang 12...

He has been doing this same shit for decades and Opies protection, the moment Opie wasn't there to spin his gay shit he was exposed

Mary Jean was on the show?

Now you're talking Worm's language! "Black Cock Gangbang 12"

Well she's not going home for Thanksgiving now.

Yeah, 'cause .... she's already been stuffed! tss tss

Oh.. No I meant cuz of the niggers.

"Oh, literal MrPar--" THEY HEARD ME.

It would have been funny and/or entertaining radio and god forbid that happens.

Why would you tell the screener what you're actually gonna say? Make up some shit about whatever they're talking about and then ask about it

I'd have to listen to what they were talking about and then have something relevant to say about the faggy fucking hoseshit they talk about. I had no idea who the flying scotsman was. I'm just going to make shit up tomorrow and call in again.

Please keep at it.

Say you want to discuss Chip or the NotSam Network. Then start droppin' hammers.

Hell hath no fury like a Cum Boy scorned...

Wrong sub

Open your mouth.

Cumfag get the fuck out.

You're dad is next, girlfriend.

Yo let me have a go at cumtown posting. Instead of x, its y but with gay semen. Kekekeleleoellolololoko.

Open your mouth, babe.

You forgot "remember the 90s?"

They hadn't heard anything about it. Genuinely. They'd have told us if they did.

"HAHA These bozos think we're going to discuss the Anthony situation but joke's on them we're NOT!

Anyway, we got WWE Diva Esmerelda coming in later today..."

They knew it was an absolute shit show.

So they didn't mention it because they are pussies and don't have the talent or the willingness to spin it a bit.

They are probably contractually forbidden from mentioning Anthony.

They want to keep their jobs.

Thomas is that u???💕👑👧🏼🌷🍒

To be fair, the screener doesn't have the power to promise they will talk about something

They talked about it on LOS last night


I assume that Cumia ballwashing faggot Gomez was defending him and saying it was ruined by protesters.

All three, Tits/Nana/Worm, are pathological liars.

never can trust that goddamn shitloaf....

It's because they arent allowed to talk about anything interesting on that show. Ever.
