[PDF] Anthony Cumia - Permanently Suspended: The Rise and Fall... and Rise Again of Radio's Most Notorious Shock Jock

1  2018-11-20 by Not_Anthwan



thanks. if you happen to have a kindle you can convert it to .mobi with the program calibre.

Rapidshare? I'm gonna go down to the drug store and get a phosphate while my file downloads. It's not quite the same anymore, not since they let coloreds at the counter, but



is that an enema? or you mean a bottle of codeine phosphate? dat shit makes ya itch

Lmao. The only ten people on earth likely to buy his book and it’s now available free. I still won’t even load that piece of shit at the free price.

I was like, thank you for your service.

this has to be a draft of the book.

Keith uploaded the first three chapters online a couple of weeks ago - you can compare and see for yourself. I'm pretty sure it's a draft but at some point they've run out of money to pay the ghostwriters and had to print whatever was written at that point.