"How do you define a racist?" - Joe 'Card Carrying White Supremacist, Violent Pedophile' Cumia

1  2018-11-20 by OpieHasTits


"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh soooo speech is what makes you a white supremacist?"

I didn't really believe he was this fucking stupid. I thought perhaps he was just nervous on his PC appearance, but fuck he is a mumbling, bumbling idiot.

Idk how this couldve happened. His social media posts are always very concise and sound

He even accentuates certain words LOUDER irl to match his stupid facebook RANTS


Joe "I watched 5 minutes of a Ben Shapiro debate" Cumia.

let's start with "people who say 'i'm racist' on a satellite radio show" and expand the definition from there

That old man posture is a nice touch