Tickets are now on sale for $75! You don’t want Von to be homeless do you?

1  2018-11-19 by Jackthejew


Morton can't make it. His CHICK from Asgard is visiting for the weekend.

Just Vos, where is the rest? Patrice would have loved comics like Michelle Wolf. Mi$$ DeCarlo is set for another year.

Its almost as if being black is a profound disability which prevents you from ever getting a real job

I work with blacks in the construction industry. They all complain when they are given a task that involves critical thinking. When they get laid off they all pull out the race card and sue. The worst and most unforgivable is that they all wear there work gear home, hardhat and all, because they think it impresses the hoodrats on the train, which it probably does.

Who would pay that much for this shit?

It's usually a good show but it declines greatly every year.

Plus you know all the proceeds are going straight to Von. No thanks

Do you think Gaffigan is going do do his chunk about the difference between white pussy & nigger pussy?

hes the pepsi cola jaywalkist

Ok hasn't Von gotten enough already? 7th annual? How about no more annual benefits money until she at least hires someone from this sub to finish her damn Patrice Doc.

Can this just stop? Is this for the kid? Do they just feel bad? wtf