A veteran remembers...

1  2018-11-19 by Ant_Sucks


The first casualty of war is dinner...

Adagio for Spuds

You used Adagio. TYFYS

Beautiful work

You bunch of shitheads are my favorite

ooh my am

There are times that I think that the members of this sub are much funnier than anyone on the O&A show....

Full Metal Jacket Potato.

I hear that music now and my mind pulls that soundbyte of Bennington saying "I'm telling Ant to go back to the way he use to be".

Hey man thats not cool. He may get PTSD. Not from the gun fire or the war sounds but from that potato being left unpeeled.

joe wakes up in a sweat to find his service child frantically spitting into his mouth

I laughed to hard at this

I laughed while hard.

A Spud Too Far

is there anyway of downloading this? i came back just to fawkin laff