I like beefers man! That's what normal guys like!

1  2018-11-19 by unclepaul84


as long as the tit isnt longer than her skull im fine

What about if the aereolas is like the size of a coffee mug

if shes white enough the pink will blend with the peach and i wont notice

Is that AJ poopnschitz?

we fucked up calling opie tits. we had to resort to beefers. in hindsight we should have just said jugs or yaya's

I've dieted since then.

This is so fucking typical.

All these "ass" guys can't defend their homosexuality, so they attack people that are actually sexually attracted to women.

You want shit on your dick, faggot. I want my children to be well fed by some massive milkers.

Your instincts lead you to shit, the rest of us are responding to evolutionarily developed sexual signals from the opposite sex.

You're a bunch of fags that are too stupid or dishonest to figure out your real feelings.

Jeez, tell us how you really feel, am i right fellas?

Yea! Tits are like asses with nipples on them and not filled with shit!

Tell these faggy dumper guys what is what. If your dick is shitty then you're a fag.

Imagine being such a closeted fag that you have to call female ass gay

Imagine being so gay that you're disgusted by breasts.

Anthony Put on weight