This is 20% luck, 0% skill, 50% Colin Quinn and Jerky Boys steals. 10% trannies, 20% AIDS, and why the fuck does Ozzy not remember my name?!?! Tss!!!

1  2018-11-19 by ProfessorChipperson



Whaddaya a GOWST or summin tss

Don’t let the haters make you feel bad about this post. I enjoyed it.

Jfc what a hack.

It's un-fucking-believable what he's become.

I disagree. I find it very brave of Jim to finally accept his true calling as a wacky prop comic. It must have been killing him inside to pretend being the surly tough guy all these years.

Tough guy? Selling pot to kids on Lucky Louie sounds like the work of a tough guy.

Didn't he have a contest for people so submit what they think Chip looked like? And this is what he came up with?

Surprised he didn't charge for submissions.

He Limp Bizkit'ed it.

He just reached into a bag of props and put on the first things he found. Its not even a cohesive look. In his mind though he probably thinks the randomness fits the shitty character so that's how he rationalizes it when any other better comic would have put more than 2 seconds of effort into it.

Just stick your lower jaw out like you're trying to catch a load.

Ruth Gordon

Can the mods just add some of these prop comic Jim pics to the sidebar? Don't even alter them.

They had a big stickied sidebar request thread but it was then discovered the mods don't know how to crop photos and now that thread is gone and we still have the same sidebar photos since The People's Court episode.

Why can't i remember the name of the dude who did that song?

Mr. Skittles

The artist is "Fucks Minors"


Fort Minor

And a 100% yuck

fuck this faggot.

post script - i still see chip sidebar images, plz remove

I GENUINELY hate Jim Norton and wish for his death hourly.

Fort Minor, what are the Cumia Boys setting up their pedophilia dungeon or sumptin'?!?! tsssssssst

Fuckin prop hack

Are you 'avin a laugh? Is 'e 'avin a laugh?!

I don’t get it!

This gets an upvote for flowing as smoothly as it does.


I don’t understand why of all his “characters” that this one took.

Ted was more interesting and I think a Bill Tetley podcast where Bill sings his theme song and interviews celebrities would’ve been a more interesting podcast (still wouldn’t listen).

Hell, Uncle Paul was more amusing so I don’t get why ANYONE is funding this shit.

Is there actually a market for people who want to pay to see Live episodes of this garbage?

Phony worm in 2005 would have spent hours trashing this asshole hack prep comic and the paychecks for being Chip cannot be substantial enough to accept that when he goes to bed alone in his apartment where he will die just as alone one day.

The “Ha ha Chip is Opie” shit cannot be giving this thing legs so can anyone explain who in the hell is rhe audience for this podcast and the live shows?

Then again there must be a few drunks wearing SAMCRO gear who go see Joe Cumia play so maybe it isn’t shocking there is a market but I just don’t want to believe it’s true that this Chip thing is at all successful.

I liked liddy

2018 faggot Norton doesnt even eat yogurt anymore

I miss Ted. He was fun. Then again, so was Chip. I'm sure Jim would've found a way to ruin him as well.

I watched 20 minutes of that live chip podcasts about a year ago. Watching old men being forced to sit and watch Chip perform on stage gave me a feeling of dread and sadness that I have never felt before. But then Colin Quinn stood up, said "i cant do this anymore", and walked off stage. It was then that I realized I was not alone.

Then what

I cried as I thought about how meaningless life is.

Then you're responding correctly to the stimuli.

And then everyone clapped and your name was Albert Einstein.

All of these characters are only good in small doses in the right context. None of them justify having a podcast.

exactly. they're funny enough for about 30 seconds because they're interjecting themselves, none of them need a fucking back story.

A cryptography podcast from Uncle Paul would be pretty educational.

Uncle Paul really is a product of the Mr. McGregor paint video. He just tweaked it with his own fucked up pedo fantasies.

Pandering asshole. He’s wearing a patriots jersey and he doesn’t watch football. He just gets more and more hatable every day.

Congratulations. You fell for a Chip Chipperson joke. You’re an idiot.

Got chippah’d did I?

Fawk yeah you did.

I think he really resents Chip’s popularity. He has mentioned more than once that Chip sells more tickets than his own comedy. Ahhh. Poor Jimbo you’ve become the new Carrot-top - except without any new jokes, muscles, hair, or well thought out props.

He has completely forgotten how to do chip's face.

"Chip has evolved."

I'm starting to think some of the users have too much time on their hands.

List more percentages.

How many truckers won't get the reference

I've only recently got into O&A via archived content reuploaded to YouTube. Mostly the Patrice videos. Can someone explain the turn Jim has taken, and why he's so hated? In these videos he seems like an alright guy, pretty funny at that.

Probably because he's a fucking faggot.

Because he didn't have to be "the guy". Opie and Anthony was what it was and will never be again. When it all ended I felt like someone I knew died. Enjoy what it was and fuck Jim and Sam.

There's an episode with Patrice where they get a hold of Jim's old material and it's fucking terrible. Patrice and the guys fucking destroy him and Patrice even says, "I think this is who Jim really is."

The best part of it is when Jim keeps going, "What can I say, it's terrible, I deserve this." and Patrice yells at him for that too because he was trying to lessen the bite of getting roasted by everyone.

Leave it to Patrice to be 100% real and honest. I gotta look for that episode now, haha. Truth be told I've never even seen Jim's stand up, or even any of his acting roles. From what I've gathered he was best as sort of the sidekick, and people do NOT like when the sidekick tries to over extend his talents and be the main star lol.

jim takes the shape of whatever container you pour him in. he also stole 60k. sucked opies tits for a paycheck. is a flip-floppin, fence-sittin son of a gun. colin copier. sober-since-hes-14 know-it-all know-nothing. Jim is a fraud.

Suck a dick

Did you take that metre from a nursery rhyme or a song or sumthin? It sounds very familiar.

Dvv dvv

You be spitting some fiyah sockcuckah.

Double theft sock cuckas

reminder: this loser bought ozzy abunch of Beatles books that were promptly left behind in the lounge

I was 20 years old when I found O and A right when xm came out. I live in the middle of nowhere and spend everyday in a truck or tractor. We used to listen to CDs of Bob and Tom for fucks sake. I'll never find a show to replace them in their hay day, but I do like Opies podcast and I really like Pat Dixon.

Cool story faggot

Thanks, Fuck your mother

Can you imaging how bad the old show and Patrice would trash this prop act back in the day. And he takes this act on the road? Who the hell go to these things. It’s unbelievably cringey. Only a 5 year old would find this hilarious

This version of Chip is even more cringey than the fake cartoon series.

Pretty sad when a character is more popular than you


Then what

And then everyone clapped and your name was Albert Einstein.