Regarding the BroJoe potato peeler memes

1  2018-11-19 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

I think it is wrong to besmirch the honorable service of ex-military personnel—even if they’re people like Brother Joe. In the spirit of honesty and transparency, Brother Joe’s job in the military had nothing to do with being a cook. He was a Communications guy. Let’s just stick to the true stuff like the child spit and the pedophilia.


Communications guy? He asked soldiers what they wanted to eat, then served them

I have a feeling he joined to reduce a criminal charge he was facing.

Join the army or be imprisoned for paedophilia?

The United States Army taught Joseph Cumia how to extract child spit from children.

He got booted where's the honor in that.

You can't spell 'dishonorable discharge' without 'honor.'

Sounds like something you'd find in carol maxheimers panties

Joe is like this girl I know. She spent 8 months in the Air Force training as a linguist. She was then offered the opportunity to get out because she was pregnant, and still to this day, she posts shit on Facebook about how she's a veteran, blah, blah, blah. Bitch made it though basic training, took some classes and claimed she was a veteran. Joe, on the other hand, spent two years as a radio operator 35 years ago, and pretends he was some sort of special forces, Rambo type, guerrilla killer. He's a fraud, just like that bitch.


you didnt use 'one the other hand' right

Joe is like this girl I know.

By law I must inform you, ya' might be gay.