Jimmy actually believes Jon Jones wasn’t on roids. He honestly believes the tainted supplement & viagra horseshit stories.

1  2018-11-19 by OpieMentoredSam

Comedians are supposed to call bullshit, not eat it up. Worthless fucking idiot.


Easy with that "comedian" word there friend. It's prop comic now.

*Sigh-alis horseshit stories

I think this Norton fella might be a tad disingenuous.

He’s actually not. He would tell you if he was.


He's the dude that had a cult

Were the roids in the Kool Aid?

Jim Norton. You know, the gay guy.

Jim knows he cant criticize any UFC shit, they'll black list him.

Well I don’t want to motherfuck the guy. It’s a tough one man, I have no opinion on anything. Genuinely I would tell you if I did.

He's a terrible co host on his MMA podcast too. Bisping's podcast with Luis is so much better.

In Jimmys defense, you must remember that he is retarded

Good for Jon Jones. Fuck USADA. I want to see the mutant gladiator league already. We have the technology, so let these guys get juiced to the gills and give each other brain damage for my enjoyment.

I agree with you, but at the same time, he signed a contract for the fight saying he wouldn't use them.

In the PRIDE days it was a level playing field. Now the guys with the best camps get a huge advantage because they're the best at avoiding detection.

I can't believe the nigger who did coke before fights and did a hit and run would use steroids... next you're gonna tell me Serena Williams is a roid monkey too.

To be fair, he only ran from that accident because he was heavily intoxicated and didn't want to spend years in prison over it.

He did the right thing, and I'm sure the lady he hit got a nice settlement from Jones and the UFC.

Any excuse to blow an mma guy.

95% of pro athletes take PED's. Sorry faggot Jim, your heroes are phonies, just like you.

Ehhh. Probably not that high of a percentage. I’d guess high 70’s.

It's around 90% easily. Your body simply can't compete with these athletes without some kind of PED's. Just read Lance Armstrong's testiment about how he felt the first time he was going to ride the Tour de France (and did it clean btw). He was basically behind the whole pack of bikes even on the first day and that was at a time he was basically the best junior of them all.

In a similar stat, 66% of O, A and J are PEDOS.

It doesn't help that Rogan's been pushing his retarded idea of Jones using coke which was cut with creatine, which was tainted with steroids.


Never mind that the first drug Jones was busted for was an estrogen inhibitor you use when you cycle off the steroids.

He believes that Ubereem got that big on a natural, horse meat diet..

He's just such an honest person he can't even fathom people resorting to cheating.

He'd bet $61,389 on it.

UFC is fucking gay, like Norton.


Of all the fucking people to act as an authority on fighting and athleticism, the UFC picks a man in his 50's who never lifted a weight, never ran a mile, and never threw a punch to represent their brand. Listening to Jimmy talk about strategy in the octagon is the most embarrassing thing he's done in his career.

Yeah. I don’t get that. It’s like having Ant and Joe running a Perverted Justice kiddie porn sting ring.

Probably heard Rogan be skeptical about Jon Jones and Jimmy doesn't know shit about mma hes just a wormy faggot that parrots people.

It don't matter. Jones is back & he's gonna win the title AGAIN. Poor Cormier.

Jim actually believes that he and a 6’6 Norwegian web cam man could have a serious relationship.

He believes amy schumer didnt steal jokes either. Or a man dressed as a woman is a woman

I don't know if he's still doing it but he also used to have a theory that nations who lost big wars developed weird sexual fetishes afterwards from being emasculated at war or something. No Jim, you're just weird.

Jim thinks men with tits and makeup are women.

Jimmy works for the UFC. Just like Rogan, he's going to hype up and defend their stars.

Not a big deal. It's not like he's selling out on politics, it's just fighting.

Jim Norton is a Canadian nightcrawler and should be kept refrigerated until needed for baiting a hook.

"What's an octagon?"

I'll believe the horseshit because id like to see him fight again.

He lies to himself and others all the time.

It's no a surprise he acts like a complete retard when the subject goes outside trannys or movie references from the late 70s.

Jim Norton is a known retarded faggot.

OP your just another hater. A guy who hit and runs pregnant women while high then flees the scene isn't going to be so irresponsible that he uses PEDS in his dumb guy fighting sport.

He's the dude that had a cult

Jim Norton. You know, the gay guy.

Ehhh. Probably not that high of a percentage. I’d guess high 70’s.

In a similar stat, 66% of O, A and J are PEDOS.