Holy shit, Joe has a copy of "The Art of the Deal" displayed on his bedroom dresser. What a fucking asshole

1  2018-11-19 by crookedmile


I wish his spine was missing

It is

60 years old and needs the president to be his personal hero.

He seriously has the mind of an autistic 12 year old. I imagine him sat in front of that TV cross-legged and mouth agape, hanging onto every word.

He owns “the libtards”.

I will never get it.

What chapter concerns entering a contract if you're pedophile status is questionable?

The Art of the Peel

I bet he hasn’t actually read it.


Of course he hasn’t, this idiot doesn’t read anything longer than a tweet.

Some people like to show off a library, or at least a bookcase with several books. And only the spine with the title is showing.

This lump of shit has one book, that he surely hasn’t read, displayed face out in the one room no one will see it.

How about you put an alarm clock there Joe? You know, get up on time to bring your daughter to school? Fucking cretin.

Not a fucking chance.

Someone who's not banned tell him you can open it, it'll blow his mind

It worked. He made a one-sided deal to rip off his brother for life.

In a tree fort. Draw your own conclusions...

jeeb jeeb jeeb jeeb

Nice crooked TV faggot.

It’s also way too high on his wall. Not surprising considering he’s a legitimate idiot.

Something has to cover the Nambla handbookm

I heard the book helped him negotiate his way into 2 grams of spit per child.

Such a moron, he's the best


Joe is the perfect parody of himself.

That embarrassingly tiny TV that he has mounted is so fucking funny to me.

“Yup... that’s a 40 incher bro! Look... notice.. NO CORDS! Pretty sweet huh?”

Apparently Homo Joe gets Ant's cast offs that Keith the Cop and Bobo both pass over. Keith got last years iphone and Bobo got the old macbook, but Joe has a whole drawer full of race car shaped VCR tape rewinders to go with that 40 inch TV.

race car shaped VCR tape rewinders

Those were great stocking stuffers back in '97

Did he wipe the Macbook first? It would be such a shame for Bobo to get busted for child pornography.

Is a 40 inch tv tiny now?

Yep its 40inches,

The book is 70px wide, Amazon said Art of Deal = 5.2 inches wide, TV = 475px wide, which means the TV is 35 inches wide.

Amazon says a 40inch TV is 35 inches wide.

I don't know about you, but I love having to constantly look up at a TV mounted on the ceiling. Eye level is for libtards.

Bahahaha, fucking awesome. I keep imagining Joe as a cartoon character, but I'm just not creative enough to add details like this.

Right wing assholes are the easiest people to sell anything to- it's the entire basis of compound media

If you're stuck with a giant retard tongue, might as well lick some boots!

Jobs creation and business dealings are the issues that most affect Joe, so it makes sense

It's actually on display as if it's a photo of a loved one or an education certificate. I wish he was smart enough to understand what a loser he is.

Nice small tv, stupid.

Do people realize trump didn't write this book? The ghostwriter also said trump was an idiot and would make a terrible president. Yet, they still read his book and attribute it to Trump. Fucking dummies.

He got a great deal, siphoning half of Anth's money for life.

A faggot garbage book for a faggot garbage man. "AOTD" makes "Private Parts" look like "War And Peace" in comparison.