Supreme shitter

1  2018-11-19 by nomadiqqq


I'd love to watch her squat right over my face before dropping a hot pile of filth into my stupid worthless mouth. Then I'd kill myself.

A man can dream.

Her shitting on you is the only circumstance where I would touch your body, dead or alive

I wish you’d start with step 2

We don't have any of our own chicks for original content, correct?

Highly unlikely

Do you have an umbilical fetish? Because if so do I have the girl for you.

can someone link this please?

You don't want to see that monstrosity.

There’s an ugly bitch that posts around here

thats a dude

She looks like a big assed charisma carpenter.

what's a charisma carpenter, a person who builds houses and has lots of charisma or sumptin

Sorry, we don't do baby noises here

I would grab that butt with both hands and explain to it the meaning of life.

whats her name?

You don't want to see that monstrosity.