I'm sorry... I always get upset on September 11. I... had business in the towers that day, but I slept in.

1  2018-11-18 by YeIsAltRight


I wish you were on the top floor

fuck 9/11 victims, such attention grabbing cunts even in death

This doesn't get said enough, but they all deserved it.

reminds me of that tragedy...

The Chip cartoon?


never discussed this here, but i actually lost my father in 9/11, he was on american airlines flight 11.

he was one of the few able to call his family and say goodbye before the plane hit the north tower.


i still remember his last words.. 'ALLAHU AKBAR'

Yeah my great grandfather uncle dad was the best pilot in Saudi Arabia and fell out of a Nazi guard tower.

Accidently shot himself with his garage door opener.

🇸🇦 Thank you for your service


It’s fine. Business was taken care of.