Did you guys go work your shift for the Jews today?

1  2018-11-17 by JumidoArts

Did you? Are you working hard? Working towards the American dream? Are you enjoying your one life punching a clock for your masters everyday. It’s honorable ain’t it? I mean that’s what TV and your federally funded public education told you throughout all of your formative years right?

You paying into that social security that won’t exist when you go to cash it out? You enjoying life? You save up enough for that new iPhone or that new car yet? How’s that poisoned food and water? You enjoying that? Man you’re so smart and honorable for working 80 hour weeks and propping up our slave economy.

You’re a badass dude!

Man life is good ain’t it?


I can’t decide if it’s SAMCRO or Rogan writing this.

No one punches a clock anymore. Nor works 80 hours.

Starbucks made me employee of the month. I’m so happy.

i started drinking at 6:30 am im watching the wire got some meatballs with red onion and feta for dinner

the jew cant touch me

Idris Erba dies.

As a dago, I should tell you. You’re eating your meatballs wrong.

If it's any consolation, you almost certainly would have been an unhappy friendless creep in the 1840s too.

Tell me more about 1843. What are genuine connections? and what are those life experiences worth remembering? Everybody here is a stupid faggot, but you seem different. Share more thoughts.

Yeah, mhaaaaaan!