Anthony Cumia's Ancestry DNA Results

1  2018-11-17 by GorramTimebomb


If anyone is confused by the Italy part, Christopher Walken explains it perfectly in True Romance

I think Sicilian would be more accurate than Italian. The Cumias don’t have any good Northern Italian stock in them.

Nice Dennis Hopper, stupid

Loved that defiance in the face of death. He knew he was dead meat anyway you cut it so go out with a middle finger in the air. He also got Walken so riled up he just flat out killed him fast, daving himself from a possible agonizingly sloe torturous death.

The other guy is right, it was Dennis Hopper's character who said the eggplant (Sicilians are really niggers) line.

Italians are black, there's no confusion.

technically, if you mix them all up that's what Italian is


I want to see the proof.

Wow, Milt had a lot of gentlemen suitors from the third world huh

Edit- Whoops, Roe, not Milt. I always get fish genitals confused.