What if

1  2018-11-17 by HitWithTheWOWeffect

Twink Norton gained weight and became funny again.


Gained weight and came out of the closet

Norton did us a favor and ended it

What if you're right and they're wrong?

He was only ever mildly funny, and he laughed way too hard at Anthony's mediocre quips

What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us?

he'd still have a show with sam roberts

People keep calling Jim a twink, but twinks don’t have pot bellies. It’s the law.

Jim has the body of a 110 year old.

His window to being funny is gone. On OnA he utilized Colin Quinn’s personality well, but being the sidekick now to the worst of the worst of what was left over from OnA, even if his tranny jokes and Colin Quinn-isms are landing he’s reduced to such an insignificant and ugly platform it doesn’t even matter