Anthony VS His True Inner Self (Played By Lou Reed)

1  2018-11-17 by Randamaang


can you tell me how to upload pictures now, it's changed from where I am.

Do you live in China?

Lou Reed is one of the most overrated people in the history of the world

The man is a legend & one of the most influential artists of all time. He is single handedly is responsible for the creation of glam rock, punk & indie. In 1965 when pop music was still pretty much as innocent as it was in the 1950’s he was writing sounds about heroin & gritty street life.

Just because he was a junkie and hung out with andy warhol doesnt mean he was talented. Fuck him and Tom Waits. And punk rock fucking sucks too, by the way... the whole concept of punk rock is hypocritical and asinine

Regardless of your personal opinion, it’s a fact that Lou Reed was a huge influence on some of musics biggest artists from the last 4 decades. Even unlikely mainstream acts like U2 & Metallica site him as huge influence. It’s been well established that he’s on a short list of people that includes names like Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan or The Beatles, that helped shape the sound, attitude & direction of popular music, He may not have been as big as these others as far as impact or popularity but nonetheless he’s was just as influential & to call him overrated is just silly because if anything I’d argue that he’s underrated.

First you say he's on a short list with Elvis and the Beatles, THEN you say he wasn't as popular as those guys. Then why the fuck is he on a list with them? He's a mumbly-mouthed smack head who was marketed as edgy and cool and all the New York hipsters bought into it. He fucking sucked and he was talentless. He can't sing for shit and most people only like him because they want to impress other people

Lou Reed wasn’t as popular as those guys when it came to having a massive fanbase but he was just as impactful as those others on the list when it comes to influential with the actual artists creating the music. This isn’t my opinion, just do minimal google research & see the amount of amount of big musical acts that credit Velvet Underground & Lou Reeds solo work as their inspiration to get into music. Also there are numerous articles written, studies and a whole host of other material claiming that his impact within popular music is immeasurable & if not for Lou Reed the music landscape of the last 40 years would look very different. But I don’t know why I’m trying explain anything to someone who probably likes cheesy hair bands from the 1980’s & thinks that people only pretend to like Lou Reed in order to impress other people which is a completely asinine statement. He might not have been the best singer but when has that ever mattered in rock n roll, you think Vince Neil can sing or David Lee Roth? I’m assuming you like that dark period of terrible popular music but out of curiosity what are your musical taste, am I close? You hate punk which is everything from The Misfits to The Clash to Patty Smith, you hate Lou Reed & Tom Waits, so I’m guessing you like horrible music.

I'm not telling you what I listen to. Lou Reed was an overrated junkie faggot, Tom Waits is a pretentious dipshit. Both are facts. I win the argument

Hahaa! Ok you win, go listen to whatever manufactured garbage you listen to. I assume it’s not hip-hop because wouldn’t be hating on Lou Reed, you’d have some musical taste & you’d be a lot cooler. I’m gonna guess and say you probably have similar taste in music as Jim Florentine & Jim Breuer. You know the type of bands I’m talking about, they wrote childish thinly disguised lyrics about sex but everything with the word love, lyrics like “I’m give my love deep inside of you” or so stupid shit like that where “love” is really means penis. Or maybe you like the bands that indulged fantasy worlds where dragons & witch’s exist & the devil & evils spirits are always omnipresent within lyrics that were designed for friendless virgin teenage boys. Maybe you’re one of those who listen to the ultra manly macho guys who look more like ufc fighters than musicians & scream their feelings of angst & anger. For your sake I hope it’s not the kind of bands who equates talent with how fast & perfect they can play scales on guitar or how many high notes the singer can pull off, there’s nothing worse than the bands & their fans who think the benchmark of greatness is how much acrobatics they can preform on their instruments instead of just making a cool simple song that actually has some soul & means something.

I only read the first 4 words of your reply. Looks like I win again...


More like a walk on the child side asumptin

I only read the first 4 words of your reply. Looks like I win again...