Bocchetti - The manifesto of a certified retard

1  2018-11-17 by SheddupFaggot


I feel bad he was never able to get into NYU UCLA otherwise he could have been huge on u tube I truelly mean it.


Does his keyboard like a comma key?

Comma? How about a period.

The random capitalization is infuriating.

Are we supposed to laugh or cry?

I believe laughing at him is the direction of the sub

I can permanently erase you like your mommy should have done with and abortion

"us artists"

He's almost 60 and still living with his mom. And he's arguing with 16 year old trolls on twitter that call him a fat retard, which in fact is true.

This is why the Bobo and Bocchetti show was an instant hit. They are on the same wavelength.

It was better than the any show on compound

Of all the characters that O&A brought into their world - Bochetti is the one that actually enraged me.

Mike is right all this technology and stuff making us not talk and instead rezort to hookers Who take your mony and unless you grab there necks and Then one actually stoped breathing i took her arms off and still have them true story We used to laugh at movies now its just youtube dumb stuff Cant believe 40 years in the biz and im not rich yet wonder why PS fuck everyone

His last paragraph is pure anger and lashing out. He was so angry that he just typed words. This is the only time he's funny.

Creed thoughts\creedthoughts

Even for the internet it's... pretty shocking.

He should’ve added to the good.., grammar and spell check!

He's a nice, simple man. I can't hold any animosity towards him -- like Big A. Find someone your own mental size to pick on you big meanie.

Mike's borderline retarded, yet still more gainfully employed than the voluntarily retarded Joe.

I don't understand the resentment towards the likes of Bochetti, Big A, or Roland. They are monstrous yet cuddly genetic disasters put on Earth for our entertainment.

Couldn't have put it better.

Roland is an asshole and Big A is a bloodsucking sycophant.

Roland is a whiny fuck asshole who tries to act tough and gets laughed at so he tattles to people. If you're gonna be that fat at least learn to throw your weight around and stand up for yourself.

Annoying as fuck t listen to. Like bobo

does anyone know whats technically wrong with Mike? Is he actually retarded, super autistic or what?

The worst thing about the internet is that it gives retarded faggots a louder voice

mike makes some good points. well said, sir

"back to your utter disappointment" he's got that right at least

Which internet essay was better, this or Pat Tomlinsons?

No punctuation at all, what a total dunderhead.

Bobo finally discovered the period key at the age of 41. Mike is Anthony's age and hasn't even found the comma.

He's like if the unabomber was a fat retard

This man is an idiot.

Its the run-on retard

Is this a chapter from Nana's book?

Too many words and not enough pictures.

I'm impressed that his name is capitalized and spelled properly.

If you're gonna post something to the English language Reddit site can you at least translate it to English? Thanks

Mike BOOO shitty


Somebody get this guy an MLA Style Guide.