Child rapists

1  2018-11-17 by TheAmazingAsshole2


Card carrying and contract entering.

Sir, I have you know that the coon on the left went on national television to inform the world that he is definitely not a pedophile.

Reminder: At no point in the broadcast did he actually deny being a pedophile.

This is suprisingly true.

Their eyes look like fat pussies

Brother Joe the ever abrasive unselfaware dumb ass big brother who wants the attention and acts like he's apart of the crew, and Anthony, the ever frightened passive agressive little brother who smiles awkwardly and acts like he's not uncomfortable so he can avoid any confrontation.

Ant looks like the Joker, if the vat had been filled with African DNA.

I can't tell what this edgy geriatric queen is even flipping off. I'd bet any sum that Joe's IQ is under 95.

I give him 100-105. He’s like the moron king. He is very slightly smarter than average, so he’s like an Albert Einstein-like figure to his Compound brethren and Facebook, emoji-posting contemporaries. There are many cops, garbagemen, security guards, porters, etc who have just as little formal education as Joe, yet are much more sophisticated and worldly due to being autodidactic and having a true passion for learning and not just reflexively spouting off at the mouth like a lowbrow boob. Joe probably reads whatever Fox News talking head book is out once or twice a year and considers himself to be Henry Kissinger.

Nightmare fuel