What’s your opinion on this movie and do you believe the theory that Kubrick helped fake the Apollo moon landing footage and left clues about it all throughout this film?

1  2018-11-16 by JumidoArts


Go find another place to be gay

I know your sub human brain doesn’t allow you to have abstract thought but you can participate anyway.

Durrr what if the moon is fake

More like what if the footage “proving” we meant to the moon is fake.

Whoa dude

U just blew my mind

Go eat your government cheese

Thats why i aint on your fake moon shit cause i done took my meds

Literally no one here is calling the moon fake you schizo.

John redcorn just fuckin buried you.

what if schizos can actually receive things from the common conscious / luminiferous ether, but stupid ones like sams_seed cant make good use of it & become a confused problem, unlike Nicoli Tesla.

I think that’s an old Marc Maron joke.

really?? for me it was just a random thought

Parallel thinking brothaman.

Statements that blow Joe Rogan's mind 740213740/47981749817497192

The blaaaaack tends to believe simple conspiracy theories like flat earth, etc


I’m watching The Shining and fuck is this one of the eeriest films I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t even call it “scary” in the traditional sense. It feels like one big fever dream and something about it is incredibly off putting.

best type of horror movie for me to be honestwitcha, most horror's are gay jump-scare fests with no atmosphere, you feel startled as opposed to scared or creeped out

It’s the best.

I’m glad you asked. No I don’t think the moon landing was fake, I think the video they showed the public was fake, which is why both Disney and Kubrick were involved in that movie. Thank you for asking.

Somehow they orchestrated the first moonwalk to occur 240,000 miles away in space during prime time television with minimal computing power, but haven’t gone back since? The whole thing was a hoax.

They went back 5 more times stupid

Sequels, bro.

I actually think this, but I'm straight.

This movie is an overrated piece of shit, and a crutch for Jim's poor comedy. Stanley Jewbrick sucks cum.

It’s a good movie but Jim likes it for the wrong reasons.

That’s Stanley ‘Hitler was right about almost everything’ Kubrick....and it’s a fantastic film.

AAP with a negative score??

You'd have to basically be Joseph Goebbels to agree with all of my opinions. I guess this one didn't land too well with the secret Semite crowd.

Mel Gibson raped your mother. That is why she loves your brother more.

My wife and I went as Jack and Wendy to a Halloween thing once, because we look about like that. While I was in the bathroom a cop stole her bat.

Great movie. Stupid book. The moon is fake but we landed on it.

No, but he was killed by TPTB after Eyes Wide Shut for obvious reasons.

Flat Mooners!

That’s ridiculous. The moon is spherical. But it’s made up entirely of dried caveman cum. Look into it.

Post some tits, this thread is gayer than Elton John.

A nigger. A nigger COOK.

Wasn't it Jay Weidner who was pushing this theory?

Go eat your government cheese

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