Nana's studio is truly fucking awful. His Highness is not impressed.

6  2018-11-16 by McGowan9


Just like Bob Levy yet another former smalltime O&A guest that they would mock and ridicule is now a big guest on Nana's podcast network.

It must crush whatever's left of Cumia's soul, to have to kiss the ass of people like Halperin and the callers, like the desperate old cunt he's become.

I wonder how many people dodge him at comedy clubs. "Oh fuck, there's Cumia. He's going to ask us to be on his shitty show. Hide."

Jim Norton does

I doubt it's a coincidence that he can only book NY comics that are all open-micers and total nobodies with 2k-10k Twitter followers. The fact Anthony's show doesn't even draw in 3k viewers probably doesn't help but I'm sure Keith and Nana lie about the numbers just like they did with the "100,000 subscribers" nonsense..

Something's fishy.

3k viewers is pretty generous. That free election night Youtube stream never got above 2000 viewers. Plus, if the chat was any indication, a very sizeable chunk of the people who were watching were there for no other reason than to shit on him and his unfunny pig fucking sidekick.

And that's just the waiters saying that.

Didn't Keith the cop have a story about giving his card to Pete Davidson trying to get him on the show only to find it crumpled up in an elevator shortly after?

Nah, i don't think it bothers him at all and that's what's so sick about it

Oh it does. One of the reasons why his drinking has ramped up from "fun guy with a manageable drinking problem" to sloppy, late-stage alcoholic. A decade or so ago he was on fucking Letterman. 5 years ago he was still getting invited to (((parties))) at Schumer's and Tom Papa's. Now he's on the shitlist's shitlist. He is done, finished, over. His upcoming appearance on Rogan could/should be the final nail in his coffin.

God he's become such a spineless pos

He's always been that, it's just that no one likes him anymore.

Yea i suppose but he was at least funny at one point. Now he's just a fakr laughing fucking idiot

Yeah, he used to be able to laugh at himself. Eating shit on the big Jay roast and refusing to acknowledge it was the beginning of the end for him

Yea true

He only laughed at himself if the faggot worm or a guest pointed something out. If an intern or a caller said something, the true sassy queer came with her claws out.

Basically anyone he deemed below him

Yet he is literally trash.

Is the Rogan thing even still happening? Someone said in like June that it was coming up in a few weeks.

End of November apparently

November 30

oh god I can't wait to see the trainwreck

A decade or so ago he was on fucking Letterman. 5 years ago he was still getting invited to (((parties))) at Schumer's and Tom Papa's.

He knows those days are never ever coming back either. It's not like he's an actor or something and could make a big comeback with one good movie. It's over for Ant. O&A was the only environment where he was able to actually be funny. The last 4 years has shown that.

Not only did he blow that show up for the most retarded and selfish reason imaginable but he also made sure to burn bridges with the other half of the show.

Now he'll spend the rest of his life in obscurity, drunkenly telling tales of the glory days to anyone who'll listen. It's all worth it though because now he can say whatever he wants without the fear of people getting uuuuughfeeended.


His set is way more embarrassing than fucking trannies

Look at all that awful unnecessary shit he's go on that set. All that rigging and those beaming lights. That stupid fucking green screen. All for the show to look like utter shit anyway.

"You don't think Anthony's show looks like a professional set-up?" baboon-like cackle

That many LED panels and the image is still full of noise artifacts like it's underlit and shot at 6400 ISO. The rank incompetence is baffling

Fancy photography nigger

Haha, I'm just a lunchpail swingin', scaffolding photographing amateur. But even with my basic knowledge I could produce a clean image with their setup.

Did you know scaffolding photography is like a legit discipline? I actually found some photographer’s portfolio website a few months ago and it was 90% scaffold shots.

What about 3am in Times Square?

it's all unnecessary because *no one wants to watch this shit*

The illusion of success is much more important to the Ant/Keith creative team than actually achieving it

The Merv Griffin set Kramer dug out of the trash had more dignity.

And smelled better.

Big A, Bobo and Nana's old lady pee smell. Pooey.

Better guests too

Ant can't stop looking toward the control booth.

To be fair the people in the booth make up 1/3 of the total viewership.

"Help me."

Public access TV with high-school level of competence.

There is way too much light for Anthony's face to look anything other than horrific.

Granmama is wearing a jacket. What’s the occasion?

Big celebrity guest in studio.

Must have been pulling fourth backup mic duty at Infowars later that day.

When did Ian Halperin turn into Russell Peters?

Halperin looks like shhhhhhit if that’s him

It is him. From his twitter. He refers to Nana as "AC," apparently forgetting to add the word "repairman."

C’mon - they wouldn’t let him repair the units - just installing the ductwork. Repairmen have actual skills. Ductwork installers are the idiots who graduated from sweeping the shop floor.

A good point.

Looks like a staging area at a community college

Scorchs Chinese restaurant had a way better vibe

Jeff Dahmer's kitchen had a better vibe.

Yeah, plus egg rolls.

Google it, Google it!

Shaken baby syndrome..way back when. Bald as a bandicoot and toilet sounds like a fog horn.

Ian Halperin; a musing.

His love for His Highness like honey

My favorite poem

No cleopatra

Rattled by the rush...

There are Twitch streamers with better setups at a fraction of the cost.

I hate to compliment anything Monkeyman Roberts does but his queer wrestling podcast looks 1000 times more professional than this awful product that Nana has sunk tens of thousands of dollars into.

Appears as though the non-transplanted hair is falling out around the hair plugs. Instead of balding in a way that looks natural, his shit looks all patchy. Can't afford to go get more transplanted so he's gotta walk around looking like he came down with mange.

If he'd just let it go grey, like it wants to, his patchy baldness wouldn't be as noticeable. Instead he has that shitty looking unnatural color just like his 50 something twin sister with her ridiculous squid ink colored hair.

This might be the first time I don't want to live vicariously through his Highness

Shame to see Ian Halperin this visibly upset at watching his former love interest and former shell of a man, Anthony

Twitch streamers with 200 viewers have a more comfortable looking setup

it's literally the worst set ever.

Joey Diaz has like a knock off version of Rogans set and it is 100 times better

Nana is such a fucking loser.

Looks like a cozy and inviting environment

Bend your fucking hat bill, faggot

Grown up Ant sucks

how hard is it to just build a fucking wall and cover it with that cliche skyline decal. but no just like ageing ant has an aversion to anything natural

Thats without the graphics. IN HOT WATER RULZZZ

Nah, I’ve been there. It’s nice.

Jesus that's bad

I don't get the L-desk.

"You don't think Anthony's show looks like a professional set-up?" baboon-like cackle

That many LED panels and the image is still full of noise artifacts like it's underlit and shot at 6400 ISO. The rank incompetence is baffling

it's all unnecessary because *no one wants to watch this shit*

If he'd just let it go grey, like it wants to, his patchy baldness wouldn't be as noticeable. Instead he has that shitty looking unnatural color just like his 50 something twin sister with her ridiculous squid ink colored hair.

Fancy photography nigger

The illusion of success is much more important to the Ant/Keith creative team than actually achieving it