Which one of you is this?

1  2018-11-16 by HitWithTheWOWeffect


Probably exchanged his O&A fandom for ICP nowadays


I'm the girl on the left.

How about cutting some weight and washing your face occasionally?

I already catch all the dick I need.

You looked better as a blonde, Big A.

Which one?

Geez. Look at that monster. Allowing pda from that monster too.

He's definitely dead from an opiate OD

Yeah. Or in his 40’s by now.

What a bizarre coincidence.

I'm actually the guy in the background to the right with the gray circular earhair and carrying a small frozen chicken.

What a square you look like.

Yes I was a good boy back then.

I'm not square now though as my years of alcoholism has seen me balloon to nearly 300 pounds.

I'm not technically a boy anymore either.

You used to be square but now you're round!

Shape yuma, that's how it's done civilians

Tss yea so like ur round asumptin now.

Fun fact: it may look like it but I'm not actually walking in this photo.

So you're standing still? Did you shit your pants?

No no that's just the way God made me.


Nice dockers, stupid

Well, I am often down the docks.


God bless

Why are you carrying a small frozen chicken?

Didn't wanna get fat.

That girl looks like Cookiepuss in human form.

Spread the Virus... I know this is from 2004-06 era, but seeing that phrase now couldn’t be more cringe

One of Opie's great ideas I believe.

Nice girlfriend, stupid.

pretty sure that's Buster Hymen from the 'bag at the million pest march. one of the greatest pat battles we ever fought. we completely humiliated old hoo hoo on his last day of radio.

It’s funny Ant didn’t have a chapter about that in his book. Guess they couldn’t spare an extra 7 pages.

Horse face bitch

Wow, Crystal Bernard looks rough when you take the makeup off.

How big is her cock? Asking for a friend.

The T shirt over the hoodie thing has never worked

Maybe you could take me out to dinner, kiss me ;-)

I’d bang that skank.

Ugly fucking wigger.

Gotta be one of them wachbag fags.

Nice ill fitting white hat stupid

At least we know, being a pest, brings prime time puss.

Yeah. Or in his 40’s by now.

No no that's just the way God made me.
