Norm Is Pretty Amazing....

1  2018-11-16 by literalotherkin


Those people those people are REAL JERKS.

Real cards if you'll pardon my french!

I want to hear norm talk about human trafficking. "So people are kidnapping children and torturing them to adrenolize the blood. Then they somehow collect this adrenochrome and its a psychedelic drug. Seeing colors from murdering children in a masonic lodge.Murdering them in cold blood in satanic rituals. No one ever belives this because people like me stare at them and that is how we get away with it"

Look at these idiots commenting

It's a done meme by now but NPC comes to mind. Orange man bad. Science Good. Religion BAD.

They don't believe in science either. Their secular religion demands the magic transformation of gender be accepted as fact.

I heard Nick Mullen say recently.."Norm Macdonald is probably my favorite stand up" so I know there is asskissing going on. Why are people kissing his ass what is he pretending to be a normal person or something? why is jim norton fabricating a quote from norm about him in his clandestine forbes article? The afterglow of christianity is almost over now? What is an afterglow? If anyone else posted this you would say "Nice pontificating stupid" why is this guy allowed to say this? Because of the stygian silence and the afterglow?

I'm biased because I'm a Christian -- living in the afterglow of Christianity is quite a common rebuke to the Godless I've heard -- but I think Norm, generally speaking, is a comedian other comedians really enjoy. Genuinely I just find him so funny and this drift into philosophy/history/theology is icing on the top of a very appealing cake. Also I kind of like flowery language and vivid imagery. I get what you mean though.

If the Christian conception of God does indeed exist, you're quite obviously going to rot in hell for participating in this sub.

Oh I'm damned there's no doubt about that. Can't sue you for libel on that one.

Another thing to remember is that the sub came to his defense pretty hard when he was getting blasted for his opinions on MeToo and Nannette.

Maybe they're 'asskissing' because they respect him and find him funny. Don't you?

Yeah I like Norm in spite of his Twitter not because of it. I guess he’s been going through a lot of BS in the press and people see standing up for him as standing up against it? I don’t know. Also very apt to notice that Nick sucks up to whoever it is convenient to he’s almost as spineless as Norton.

Dude he mostly live tweets about sports. What's your problem with his twitter?

... yeah

Norm is a comedic genius. This isn’t hyperbole. The man is literally a comedic genius and also remarkably intelligent. Go see him live some time. See for yourself.

Also this isn’t a knew thing by any stretch. There’s a five or six part video series on YouTube of comedic celebrities praising him and calling him the genius that he is.

For those who may be interested: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

You should go out and get Norm's genius CD Ridiculous. Then break it in half and slit your wrists in a warm bath with the pieces you dumb, no taste having fuck.

It's gone now. What did it say?

WTF?? Hope he didn't delete it. Original quote was 'The Enlightenment turned us away from truth toward a darkling weakening horizon, sad and grey to see. The afterglow of Christianity is near gone now, and a stygian silence lurks in wait.'

nice screenshot stupid