Opie is a worthless faggot, Beige is a hack, and you people chased away the only decent filmmaker we had, in the name of some faggot who had a fruity correspondence with Keith once, that yielded ONE funny thing....

1  2018-11-16 by TangerineReam

How is any of this a good thing for this sub? Please explain...

And don't fall back on the "I don't want this place to be a community" bullshit, or "Yeah, but u/porsalin had alt accounts" (WE ALL DO), or "u/porsalin was trying to get the sub shut down". Even if the latter is true; we still got The Worm Has Turned, a Jim Jeffries doc and we WERE about to get an Amy Schumer opus; that fat broad was sweating over the oncoming doc, even went so far as to mention us in a round about way on an instagram post. Not it's not happening.

The fruits of his labor would've been even better than "exposing" him...was it worth it?


I think we may have been hacked by Russians or worse Sam. It was a plot to have the sub turn on itself. The old divide and conquer.

Beige did the Jefferies doc.

That is why is was a flop

Just shit on Porsalin already boy. He always was no good to you

He's just waiting for Porsalin to mutherfuck him.

I don't have anything bad to say about him. He was very talented, his videos were funny and I was happy for him when his content started blowing up. Maybe he was motherfucking me behind my back but I don't know.

But if you HAD to say one bad thing about him today, what would it be?

I hope he motherfucks his use of 152 try hard nicknames for Sam Roberts in that doc because nick mullen said saying fat piece of shit Robert Kelly in the norton one was funny.

His cock was too big.

Shit - wrong alt!

It was low to accuse me of stealing when he said I inspired him to make docs. If he was joking he never let me know and didn't try to clear anything up before disappearing.

No disrespect to you, Beige; but u/porsalin overall had better production quality than your vids, AND crossover appeal. Which is important to consider when you're taking on projects like the Schumer opus. You want normies to be into it; not just a group of fags on an obscure subreddit. We kinda needed him, AT THE VERY LEAST UNTIL THE AMY SCHUMER DOC WAS FINISHED. Then we could shit on him all we wanted.


shots fired

Get a grip, something else will come along next week for the sub to feed on.

Feed sub!

Praying for a Cumia arrest. It doesn't matter which one. Just one of them off the streets.

Get over it you fruit.

Beige’s work is infinitely better than that other cunt. His ‘documentaries’ were little more than a few cobbled together clips with a barely coherent narrative.

Anyone not familiar with the show or the people involved could still enjoy the Anthony series and be entertained. They would be baffled by Porsalin’s videos

You didn't like the Joe Matarese doc?

I did because I practically live on this subreddit. To anybody not familiar with these characters would just find it mystifying.

Production wise; Beige cant even hold a candle. No disrespect to Beige, but its the truth.

Cool. You’re easily impressed by filters.

You forgot that the Pennsylvania criminal system MOTHERFUCKED the man behind the crowning achievement of this sub. This place is done.

We didn't do shit, you imbecile. It was all Frunkis and like 3 other people's stupid doing and that british fruit ran home crying because of that.


People that say this should be murdered.

I agree but too late to delete, can I get a 1-day fag pass since porsalin's gone?


One day fag pass is the name of my new Boy George cover band.

How many more "was it worth it?" posts need to be made? At most, maybe five people cared about porsalin's embarrassing behavior. He accused me of stealing and I don't even give a shit. porsalin left for his own reasons and not because the subreddit pushed him out. Most people were okay with him staying if he took the beating and kept making videos. Maybe he was worried he would face legal repercussions for hate speech since his lives in the UK. None of us know. Enough with the autistic eulogy for a guy who made youtube videos.

Great eulogy!

I was looking forward to the Schumer thing, & respected his work.

I'm sure I've done a big gay ragequit at least once in my life, but if he tried (& failed, haha!) to get the sub shut down then he stinks.

If enough people are interested, I'm open to doing to Schumer video. I have to take care of what I already have on my plate but then I'll see what everyone is interest in.

Please do. I think it's worth a multiple video saga as much as Nana.

Please do it

Exactly. The guy left because he was doxxed by some retarded jealous Discord incels, not because he had alt’s exposed. How are people not understanding this?

What were you supposed to have stolen?


Fuck that nigga.

Porslin did himself in. Beige was just trying to add to the docs and was just as funny. Porslin, being the British empire faggot that he is, wanted it all. Fuck him.

demented world > anything porsalin

I didn't chase him away or participate at all. I couldn't care less about any of this. I'm bored of docs now anyway. When are we gonna make an action movie?