No way to lynch this guy. YOU LOSE AGAINšŸ¤£: 11/15/18

1  2018-11-15 by crookedmile



What a fucking retard.

For All of You "Joe needs to get a job" fantasizer's... ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

Whatā€™s the traditional gift for someone who retires from unemployment? A gold sponge?

fake šŸ¤²

He just admitted to DVšŸ³.

Frying pan you say?

He's always got frying pans on the brain, and so did his ex-wife

If things were so bad for our president that he went to jail, I have a hard time believing that the VP would be squeaky clean. Maybe that's just a fantasy's, though.

Why would this idiot incriminate himself like that? This is like if Ant constantly made jokes about pedophilia. Oh....

The last time Joe celebrated liberals in tears was when they all died in the trade center on 9/11

Can you imagine what kind of a loser you have to be to care about politics this much? Mike Pence is a cunt.

You should care enough about politics to realize the type of people who will try to shut stuff like this sub down when given the opportunity. (Hint: for the most part it ain't the right wingers)

The people who have offered bounties on this sub are right wingers. Both sides are shit, and Mike Pence is no champion of free speech. Now back to your Gavin vids

Piss off with the "both sides" shit. Right wingers aren't the ones trying to shut speech down these days, sorry. And don't project on me with the "Gavin" comment just because you jerk off to Ana Kasparian.

He'd be a hard-right unelected President, facing a hostile House and with a real loose grip on the Senate. Pelosi could call him a cunt right to his face and 90% of the country would let it slide.

Pelosi is a much bigger cunt.

Even that picture of Mike Pence is laughing at how stupid he is.

How far down the line do impeachments have to go before Pelosi is pres and this retards head explodes trying to figure out why?

As we all know, Gerald Ford ruled with an iron fist for another two terms after Nixon resigned.


Could he not ā€œgo to jailā€ after the Presidency? I mean whatever. I do agree nah on Pence. I donā€™t feel like living by the 10 Commandments... constitution is fine.

Why canā€™t this old queen stay off social media?