"Dude, I eat fried eggs constantly." *squeals like a stuck pig for an hour* - Bert Kreischer

1  2018-11-15 by GorramTimebomb


Well look at the difference in Norton and Bert. While Norton is occasionally funny, Bert is not funny. However, Bert is a bit more well known because he makes up for his lack of talent with energy, loud noises and sounds. Norton has no energy and is always tired, too tired to do his best bit (Ted Sheckler.)

That's a tough one, man. Being funny hurts my throat.

It was better when it was Boardroom Jimmy.


I made a shirtless-Kreischer joke when I was drunk one time and had to explain it to my wife. I played her "THE MACHINE" bit and she's been out looking for new dick ever since.

She's right to do it

What the fuck was in the audience? Talent?

Something deep fried.

Accidental good use of the NSFW tag

Unattractive people who flaunt their unattractiveness should be publicly lynched

Right? I know I'm a monster why would I want to ruin anyone else's day?


<s>Kathleen</s> Bert, put your goddamn clothes back on!

~~Kathleen~~ Bert, put your goddamn clothes back on!


Linger longer!

Male Amy Schumer.

This was about 3 years ago and he was leaving as I was coming in to do an appearance. This guy didn't have a shirt on but had a pretty nice hat on which confused me, I asked if he was promoting some sort of Jackass-esque group or if he was a stunt boy. The guy seemed confused and said "oh no bro, I'm like, the Machine.." and I just looked at him and asked if that was some sort of character. "A character? No man. I'm the MACHINE".

I kind of blinked and told him good luck with that. I never thought I'd see him again. Still haven't thank God.

I hope his dog dies.

Bert Kreischer is just an unfunny Tom Segura with a hacky gimmick. You're chubby and you take your shirt off, it's ironic, we got it.

Dude has bigger tits than Shu Qi.