"Anthony is an unapologetically masculine man, which is an increasingly rare thing in this ever pussified world we find ourselves in." (Joe Rogan)

1  2018-11-15 by AndRiseAgain


When you read "Joe Rogan" it all becomes clear.

He went crazy on commentary after DC gave him a kiss, he truly is a fruit.

That moment made me laugh, wee Joe sticking his cheek out for a kiss from DC.

Even them fucking flippers of her are manly.

He always goofed on Sam for liking pro-wrestling, but there he is, all cuddled up with Brutus Beefcake.

You're being too kind. That's fawkin' Roddy Piper right there.

Her cock is bigger than his.

Macho Missy's feet look like they stink.

Why stop at her feet?

Hey Tracer Guy, trace this picture and put stink lines by Missy's feet. Oh, and make the camera between her legs a big juicy cock

[Insert hack Jim Norton joke about stinky, dirty feet being hot]

See. Civilians can be comics.

Who wears socks on a boat?

They're varicose veins socks for the old gals decrepit legs

Black men never remove their socks.

Takes one to know one...

real talk - im like super jealous there. nothing better than unapologetically lying in the arms of a fit woman, knowing that you dont have to keep up the "im not a fag!" masquerade with her.

Just get a man

men smell bad

And "she" doesn't?

She poops too often

She takes the newspaper into the toilet for 20 minutes every morning and pushes out a couple of giant bratwurst-like shits while Anthony simpers around the kitchen fixing her eggs.

He knows to make them how she likes them now - 6 of them, scrambled in butter, not too hard, not too soft. He learned the hard way - a couple of smacks in the mouth ensured he never fucked them up again.

Missy might run an old fashioned house but it's worth it for the protection she provides. Look how safe lil Ant looks with his legs all daintily crossed, huffing in her armpit musk.

Bitch loves her eggs and protein shakes, no doubt.

lol, simpers.

Language is fun

Ugh that's so embarrassing. Fucking get yourself together you old drunk. Who allows themselves to get that fucked up when they have family with young kids around.

Do you think that's his true form or he's just super hammered? I can't really decide..

He'd totally be a dainty fruit if it wasn't for the toxic masculinity in our society!

Drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

That’s crazy. He really is a sissy, huh? . His dad was so worried about him being a faggot because was a faggy kid.

Its quotes like this that make me question how anybody could possibly like Joe Rogan or take him seriously in the slightest.

In fairness to Joe he doesn’t know nearly as much about Anthony as all of us do.

That a strawberry daiquiri by he's curled up, socked feet?

What a ghoulish faggot.

You’re so manly bro I can’t handle it, black belt Gracie keyboard warrior 🙏

Which Gracie did he train under ?

Bitchass Gracie, the one who taught him to say dumb shit behind his Cheeto encrusted keyboard

bitch ass-gracie

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

That "chick" has 18in biceps.

What a glorious mess of a "man".

I love to snuggle hairy, muscular female armpits, fam.



Let’s see pictures of your girls faggots? No one wants to see your Lena Dunham lookalikes

I’ll look at em, what do I give a fuck.

My girl doesn't own any faggots. That's offensive, sir.

dracula anthony is a man who jew broad likes pussy fighting but loves dracula jew pussy fighting broad.

With or without this photo, that quote is fucking embarrassing.

for being italian his legs looks pretty hairless.... Does he shave his fucking legs?

Blacks often don't have much body hair.

Poor lil fella gets his guns confiscated by Nassau County PD and this "girl's" is all he has left to legally feel safe with in public.

mommy shoes

Why is Ant wearing a diaper

Nice shaved legs, stupid.

Little spoon ass bitch

Bitchass Gracie, the one who talks mad shit behind a Cheeto encrusted keyboard

Language is fun