Brother Joe knows an subscriber when he sees them

1  2018-11-15 by dropngo


They later docked.

But enough about Joe...

Ted Nugent and Anthony Cumia, his heroes have a thing for 13 year olds

"ted nugget for president" is now patriotic? My cock could do a better job.

Nothing says mentally stable like a van full of political stickers

Anyone with any kind of bumper sticker is an asshole. And those "baby on board" signs are just a rape invitation to the Kumiyas.

”Baby on Board” signs are an excuse to drive awfully

This guy is just driving over to the synagogue, fuck the optics, he's going in

Part-time Unabummer detected. Follow to the Ranch and violently discriminate.

I hate Joe so fucking much.

I love how Bro Joe thinks this is actually something Anthony/other people would be proud of

It's like he doesn't grasp the concept of shame.

A grown man who brags about not working has no shame?

It's making me feel discouraged. What can we do to this slob that he's not already doing to himself more efficiently?

Many 🍎🍏

Baby boomers b hopped up on the goofball juice (lead paint)

Yeah I would for sure assume that person was a Cumia subscriber as well, great detective work.