First time I've turned on Jim and Sam in awhile

1  2018-11-15 by heyrube1979

And this 50 year old AIDs patient is asking some chick out. I would rather listen to Brother Joe read his fb posts for an hour


I would rather listen to John & Jeff.

Id rather listen to my mother beg for mercy as she's being murdered

So would I.

I would rather ask you all about it while flailing wildly.

I’d rather listen to something EDGY as well.

Nice Louis ck line, stupid.

We're two guys who have AIDs and eat nothing but chicken nuggets.

Chicken? Jim Norton would find that to be unhealthy, he'll just have the egg whites.

Rockin' the 3rd shift!"

Was he asking out the waitress from last night?

I listened to the Misfits podcast for a week straight instead, and going back to J&S was enlightening.

Good god are J&S boring.

Sam Roberts? Never heard of her.

I'd rather listen to Brian Gilgore's podcast

"We're getting content for next week's episode of Brain on the Brink"

"I'll fucking sue you, motherfucker!"

How I love that interaction.

Imagine having the most comfy low effort job in the world and instead of doing your job you spend time trying to pick chicks up

Stop making it sound pretty good

It is good. It’s too good for an unfunny boring hack like Worm Norton

Who's he asking out this time?

Not sure who she was. Turned it off after 3 minutes

I'd rather listen to a couple of wealthy born Hebrews from New York whine about the criminal justice system in Ohio than listen to Jim and Sam.

Was it that she-man he was on Instagram with? What a beast and what a faggot chasing one tranny/dude looking bitch after another.

You convinced me to check this out on demand. Every lady loves to hear talk about being pooped on and yimmy is so tone deaf he cant tell that she didn't laugh at a single thing he said.


You could tell by his tone he really thought he had a shot.

Just like the optometrist he was hitting on and was obviously married.

Was is it the producer chick?

Brother Joe reading his facebook posts would be great, imagine how much fun we'd have making a mockery of it.

Who was the first guy? Maria Menunos husband?

tried to listen when they had neil degrassee on, fuck that show. It really is poison to the ears. Sam was useless as always, just interrupting with uninteresting unfunny statements and norton did his "future jim" character where he regurgitates Ray Kurzweil's nonsense in order to look smart.

OK, now when you say chick....are we using the modern definition or did you mean a real woman?