Is there anybody more woke than Norm?

1  2018-11-15 by CatholicExpat


Trevor Noah

I like all the idiots in the comments mixing up the scientific revolution and the enlightenment.

He's probably the only comedian working today that would use the word Stygian.

Hes probably just trying to find words Norton wont steal

stygian. you're one of a kind, norm.

One of a kind faggot.

Fun fact: That Kathy Mcarty chick that is arguing with Norm used to date Daniel Johnston and is featured in the documentary about him. She is also a hippy dolt.

Killer documentary

He's right you know. We've replaced morality, community, purpose and meaning with... Nothing. We threw the baby out with the bathwater.

The religious impulse has instead turned people into secular leftists with their speech codes, mob mentality, martyrdom, approved texts, anti-science beliefs and punishments for apostates. Modern society shows all the signs of religious impulses and fervor without the constraints and purpose.

Or some faggy shit.

Fuck Norm, right in his Stygian boipussy.

Is he saying we should ignore scientific progress because the bible is the only truth we need or something?

Not trying to be a dick but that seems a bit retarded, even for the average Christian