Massive fag

1  2018-11-15 by JumidoArts


That was great.

ahh the old 'cross your arms to make them look bigger' trick

As much as really dislike Rollins... he’s pretty jacked and probably doesn’t need to pull that gag.

short jacked guys, when not photographed alone, are shown to be about a big as one leg of a 6 foot tall jacked guy.

That's Rogan after he started roiding for "testosterone replacement"

It was a joke. Obviously not a good one if it needs to be explained. I completely agree w/ you. Rogan looks tiny whenever he’s pictures w/ anyone else. Regardless of his muscle mass he just looks a bald, beardless Dwarf from Middle Earth.



Pictured w/ others. (Not a photoshop)

He looks like Verne Troyer on stilts in this photo.

Shortjacked guys look like fucking circus freaks 10 times out of 10. No exceptions

I've seen Rollins spoken word and he is probably 5'6 and I am a fag for liking it at 19 yrs old.

5’6?” I would have guessed 5’10”.

Officially it says 5'9 but you know how that game works. It was years ago but I distinctly remember thinking he was surprisingly short. I will give him 5'7.

He forgot to put his hand under the bicep to push it forward.

Oh yeah? How many Misfits tattoos do you have tough guy?

One that I regret.... :(


Sorry, I was eating a Milky Way

Not enough, that's how many

Boy, I'd hate to come across him in that alley.

maybe you will kiss him?

And take him out to dinner

Perhaps more than that.

Jim Norton calling him out on his horseshit was fantastic.

Fuck this fake intellectual.

Link a nigga

One insincere fag calling out another. Perfect

Jim is the fakest intellectual.

Jim is an expert on fakeness, he’s made it his life’s work.

They can smell their own.

Sounds like a Compound party.

The Dead Milkmen have more listenable vocals.

Best tattoo and lines in Sons of Anarchy though.

Tell Clay to stop selling guns to niggers and wetbacks

ok now we definitely know you're Joe Cumia

There is no "we" you cringeworthy faggot. Stop pretending like you know most people here.

I kill niggers

Talk about a shocking reveal, I like how that came out in his last episode.


Loud, high-energy people get on my nerves.

boring talentless kike

Normally I would say yes but that guy will fuck pretty much anyone up. And fuck their woman in front of them.

Tell that to Joe Cole

"I kept the soil beneath his head"

Then came on it and planted a tree.

Yeah he ran and left his friend to be killed.

This guy looks like a problem.

He is Not to mess with.

Porsalin was a huge fan.

Henry on the rooftop again daydreaming about which impoverished 3rd world country he'll visit next.

such a fag u cant even really hate him

it's just like "bruh... you're a fag"


Ok so what's he done that offends you and your political position?

Spoken word artists are faggots. Fuck this guy and his constant need to express his opinion

He's not spoken word, people just call his standup that because it's four hours long.

And not funny

Exactly. You might chuckle at a story but in the same way ANYONE can tell a story that might make you laugh


punk ages horribly.

2005 Rollins would be considered a bigot by 2018 Rollins. Fave place to visit in 2005? Australia, the women are gorgeous.

Fave place to visit in 2018? A little, unknown island east of Tatapikewa, they have a fully matriarchal society and it's really nice to live away from the stench of white men.

Late '80s/early '90s Rollins wrote whole books about how it sucked to live near black dudes, because he was broke and lived near black dudes. Then they killed his roommate and he got rich. The end.

You really nailed it here.

Yeah his “roommate”...

They shared a one bedroom apartment.

Eh, I prefer Sonny Rollins.

That St. Thomas is quite the toe tapper.

I do not understand why people think this guy is cool. He was on Rogan and he leads the most boring, dull life I could imagine. He is just an autistic, OCD, pretentious, closeted gay man. Yet Rogan finds him 'fascinating'.

He is just an autistic, OCD, pretentious, closeted gay man. Yet Rogan finds him 'fascinating'.

I wonder why...

No one thinks he's cool. He's irrelevant.

Some men were born to make a living off of being a virtue signaling faggot.

I didn’t have much of an opinion on him until I listened to him on Rogan. He said the only thing he does for fun is “sit in front of my $100k speakers and just listen to records. For hours. I just sit and listen.” Rogan, “Do you enjoy it?” HR, “not really. But it’s what I’m supposed to do.” Rogan, “you’re such a fascinating guy.”


You just turned me around on him. Henry Rollins is a massive faggot.

He really is. But he's still fascinating as a massive faggot. Imagine being almost a kid still and a band you're into and has a record deal and tours asks you to be the singer. And you're just such a dead eyed little faggot that can even be brainwashed by some teen girl giving you acid and making you cry. He's got some good stories

I’ll get that story from the classic Marky Mark film Rock Star, thank you.

LOOK HOW SERIOUS I AM! Another asshole who takes himself way too seriously, hopefully the California fires swallow him whole.

I have no idea who this guy is, but you can tell he just hates himself. General depression or guilt, no idea, but the guy has probably contemplated suicide

I love how all the asshats cross their arms so their forearms look large

the ramones had the decency to die off so we didn’t have to witness them in the horribly depressing low-T geriatric years.

He told Stern his bus driver convinced him to star paying "carbon taxes" for his bus's "imprint" and that everyone should voluntarily shouls start giving money to some random organization. Because money is how you stop polluting shit you easily brainwashed fruit. He also got his friend shot because he's a coward and threw the kid to the wolves while he ran off. Fucking coward faggot.

The writers of the Walking Dead based Neegan on him. He didn't get the part.


Most people who came out that the hardcore scene that Black Flag was a part of are exactly as self-important and obnoxious as Henry Rollins. If you can listen to any of these knuckleheads talk for more than 30 seconds without wanting to blow them up with a bazooka, then you have more patience than I do.

"You fuck with the best - you die like the rest fucker!"

this said by a poet who writes screamy music for teenagers. Sells their own angst and rage back to them for money. Then virtue-signals like a shitty college girl. The worst faggot.

This dude at a time had the biggest neck.

I don't agree with almost anything he says, he's a closeted gay, thinks punk involves being a healthcare advocate, makes brother Joe look like Pavarotti, one degree higher than Jim Norton as an actor, wrote about wanting to suck his dead dad's cock, takes cheap shots at people much better than him, acts like a polite humble young man when retelling his stories even though he's one of the biggest known assholes in the celeb world but besides all that he really is a good story teller.

If Anthony is Nana then Rollins is MeMaw. He just did/is doing a tour where he showed pictures he took and talked about them.

He looks like he’s about to burst into tears

He has a huge boulderish head.

One that I regret.... :(

And not funny

Not enough, that's how many

Exactly. You might chuckle at a story but in the same way ANYONE can tell a story that might make you laugh

He is Not to mess with.