1  2018-11-15 by psudude66



Love the Big Cat.

Ron's fascination with that fat pig Oakerson is off putting though.

Jesus I miss him

Who, Fat Jay? Why?

As the fat asian girl with the earmuffs from Donnie Darko would say: Chut up!

That's Sleeves

I know everyone likes to talk shit about Jay. But he really does have a deep love of R&F.

He has said in the past he was a Stern and R&F guy growing up.

What show is Fez's appearance on??

Thanksgiving show, prerecorded

For a guy with multiple heart attacks and diabetes, you would think he would lose a few now that he's retired

I hope he finally found a boyfriend.

I hope he found dozens.

As the fat asian girl with the earmuffs from Donnie Darko would say: Chut up!