Brother Joe, "I send [my daughter] to school everyday." Joe's Ex, "tardy 37 times, absent 10 days this year thanks to him." Who do you believe?

1  2018-11-14 by dropngo


We need to get to the bottom of this money laundering.

Ive been saying that it’s the main purpose of Compound for two years now.

It's a possibility. Where else would you see someone so nonchalantly watch their own network fail. He literally laughs about how bad it is. Money must be coming in still, I can't imagine he had that much money saved up, well because he's "you know what" rich

Someone never took a xanax

Alexa how many kids killed by lightning bolts in school this year?

Nice lightning spelt without an e, stupid

When auto correct still doesn't even clue you in to your failed hate attempt...

Why? Are you trying to make it weigh less, ya moron?

I think they are both cunts.

Any woman who fucked Joe willingly is as much a smoothbrained simpleton as Joe.

joe aenda her to school...doeant mean she goes..

joes kid is danny from the ninja turtles

Ant fantasizes that the Compound is the Foot Clan’s hideout.

One day she might be more like Dani from the compound.

and I explained to her the reasons in detail

“Well you see sweety, daddy is a self-important ass and this flag on the road here provides the perfect excuse for me to go home and write a rambling Facebook post that nobody asked about what a great American I am and how everyone can learn by my example. You being late for school again is a small sacrifice to make for that.

I've never hated someone I've never met so much.

It doesn’t matter what else is going on here at any given time, Joe always tops the list as the most hateable person in the o&a universe by a comfortable margin.

I hate Joe so much I almost want a 9 year old to shoot up their school.

The flag should be burned. But Joe should be wrapped into it before.

Trying to think if there is anything I care about less than whether Joe Cumia's spawn was late for school.

There is no way he even found a flag in the middle of the road.

The whole story is peak stdh.txt. I’m surprised he didn’t work in an atheist college professor.

What's STdh?

shit that didnt happen

Oh okay, i thought it was a take off on "So that happened."

I'm surprised he didn't mention the flag had been dropped by an illegal alien who had just wiped his ass with it

100% didn't happen. Joe needed something to be the subject of his dipshit wisdom post of the day so of course it has to do with defending America and showing what a great dad he is.


Think this is him using the story of a state trooper out west who was seen picking a flag up off the interstate

Death by Lightning... sounds like Anthony’s favorite dessert

Wait. It just dawned on me: Joe is 61 and has a kid in grade school?!

Good news for both of them is by the time she's old enough to be really embarrassed by him he'll be long dead.

Good luck to her getting any help with her homework on nights he has her...

Also his use of emojis wtf

Death by lightening

light·en·ing /ˈlītniNG/ noun

a drop in the level of the uterus during the last weeks of pregnancy as the head of the fetus engages in the pelvis.

He's referring to a "death by Sue", an ass fucking technique used on Anthony

I believe the woman that was beat with a pan by him.

His supposedly patriotic stories are always complete lies. There was no flag in the street. And if there was it wasn't being run over multiple times. But Brojo to the rescue! Potato peelers of the military unite!

Check stat's & Prioritize - Welp, you've said it all

Every post has to come back to the troops, fucking guitars or the flag. Joe fucking sucks.

I’d love to hear Colin spend 10 minutes just roasting that fool.

I believe both of them - I think Joe drives the kid to school, the kids skips classes and smokes dope, ends up being tardy and absent - Long Island white trash just makes more Long Island white trash, what did you imagine Joes kid growing up like?

Isn’t she like 10?

She’s an apprentice in BroJoe’s petty construction tool theft business. Gotta start them young so they have a skillset right out of middle school.

Worried about the flu?

Please tell me he's an anti-vaxxer.

Drunk bus driver?

Past firing = revealed.

Death by lightening... His stupidity is maddening.

*Whom do you believe

Ol' Joe "The Libtard Spotter" Cumia, who can't leave the house without happening upon yet another libtard outrage that validates everything Anthony tells him to believe in. You don't normally see an older brother trying so hard to gain his little brother's attention, but then again most people didn't take "Sons Of Anarchy" seriously either.

I belive.

I already forgot whatever I’m supposed to “never forget,” so I’m not sure what it is

To be honest I wouldn't want my kids in the system either mmmmmmmmmmmmman because that's where they fill you with that liberal propaganda through the fake news media. Heh, I'm just glad that me and my based centipede daughter both understand that Debbie Wascherman Schults is going to jail! LOCKERUP!!!!

Only thing I hate more than women is Joe

lightening stat's
