Reminder - Brother Joe is Lord of the Strings

1  2018-11-14 by ComePoundMeDear


Gaylord Of The Strings

I wish he would get Dimebag-Darrell’d on stage.

The best you can hope for is him asphyxiating on a plastic bag the wind blew into his face

I’m sure one of these Chinese rip off guitars that he’s so proud will eventually somehow cause his death.

One of the best things to happen to him was members of this sub hijacking his personal sub and changing the password, and design:

I read through the comments again and they actually thought they'd be doing a show that would get huge guests, views and ratings. Anthony loved calling everybody here delusional but those guys weren't even testing the waters they were bluntly assuming they'd be the next biggest thing. If there's anyone that should be called delusional it's them.

Dildo Baggins