Props to Philip Marma for punching out when he did and not having to watch this sub embarrass itself

1  2018-11-14 by C_Mo

The man was smarter than his predicament would have you believe.


This sub was always embarrassing. Otherwise you would have told more people about it.

Reactions have ranged from complete indifference all the way to mild puzzlement.

Got to respect you opinion then. I'm as ashamed of myself as I ever was, though.

He's in a better place now.

There’s no Discord in heaven that’s for sure


His last wish was for ppl to stop bullying me for being a handsome Sikh

Tera binga lulla teri manh di andhi phudi vich

That’s pretty good

Was he really a Sikh? I would have given him a sat sri akaal if I'd had known

Yes, we were cousins

So that means you've had sex with each other. Yes?

Those r Muslims, sir

So you’re the reason that a contingent of guys in the sub are angrily referencing “street shutters” every day?

Yes. They came from the MDE sub and have been shit posting non stop. They even made some of the worst memes I have ever seen

I've been calling you a street shitter ever since you posted a picture of yourself a couple years ago.

It's not a conspiracy, poo in loo

I hope everyone stops pretending to be sad now that we know he was a street shitter.

No wonder he thought Hampton Bays was paradise on earth.

I wonder if his wife was tossed onto his funeral pyre.

his last wish was to stop dying of cancer

U have ur story and I have mine

To be fair...don't think it was by his choice.

Let's (attempt to) be real, this place went to shit WELL before his pity party period. And more than half you cocksuckers know it, but we GOTTA KEEP KAYFABE BROTHER.

Oh yeah, the constant stream of documentaries, original content and news was getting old. It's not like in 2013 and 2014 when there was nothing but praise for everyone involved in the show and barely any new content created. You don't know what you're talking about, idiot.

Sorry that I triggered you, slugger.

But please, keep pointing out the minority over addressing the majority issue?

If you fucks would stop bringing it up we could get back to the same 5-7 memes in no time.

I dont give a damn which ali baba he prays to

His pancreas (nsfw) gets most of the credit

He took the easy way out

Did he die yet