Growing up poor taught me to survive on nothing but beans and water. This is why when the collapse gets bad enough, I’ll survive and you’ll all die.

1  2018-11-14 by JumidoArts

The more you know.


You gonna smell.

Nigga try living off rice and ketchup for 12 years.

But did you eat them out of cement bags? If not, you have no idea.

I get all my nutrients from cigarettes

I got you all beat

You learned how to survive off of a nutrient deficient diet? Baws.

you got bullet proof skin?

Nigger I'm still poor

I enjoy a good charred fillet cooked medium with split crab legs.


Thanksgivings gonna be lit

Pounds & pounds of crab legs

You can buy that with WIC?

The ladies cut?

I'm all in with the bone-in

I am looking forward to the chaos!

Your body is malnourished from growing up with a shit diet. Taking your stuff will be a piece of cake.

i like mixing some beans and cut up hot dogs. add some taco bell hot sauce for flavor.

That must give you god awful heart burn but it doesn’t sound all that bad
