All the Porsalin docs have been deleted because of faggot ass Frunks.

1  2018-11-14 by RapistWithHIV



Thank god

Never felt the need to watch them anymore than once anyway.

its about that being what you see when you google jim, stupid

You just had a bertation.


It's where you take your shirt off and laugh like a fag

then fair enough!

Nobody googles Jim

supposedly him sells a ticket er two

Specially the Sam Roberts one with all the close up photos

not sure i watched them all oh well

lol I literally just got done archiving them for posterity.

Upload them again as Porsalin

They're on my seedbox so I can't upload directly but I can torrent them for anybody who wants to take things further.

Make with some links nigga

Haven't done this in a while so I hope its all working properly:


The torrent contains the following files:

  • An-Inconvenient-Goof-A-Joe-Matarese-Documentary.mp4

  • An-Inconvenient-Goof-Joe-Matarese-Wants-Part-II.mp4

  • The-Worm-Has-Turned-A-Jim-Norton-Documentary.mp4

  • The-Jim-Norton-DM.mp4

  • The-Least-Professional-Broadcaster-A-Sam-Roberts-Documentary.mp4

  • VERSION-2-The-Least-Professional-Broadcaster-A-Sam-Roberts-Documentary.mp4


  • Pat-Duffy-Interview-The-Least-Professional-Broadcaster-FULL.mp4

  • Blacklisted-A-Million-Dollar-Extreme-Documentary.mp4

I clicked those things but nothing happened

Copy-paste the magnet link into your torrent client, its working fine, several peers have already connected and downloaded, might take a while to get going but it'll get done.

What is a magnet link and what is a torrent client?

magnet links are just hyperlinks for bittorrent.

Thanks but I might be too computer illiterate for all this fancy stuff

Don't even worry about it, they'll all be reuploaded soon anyway.

It's fairly easy. First install a Torrent Client. I use qbittorrent.

  1. Download qbittorrent from this link

  2. When it is finished installing, open the program.

  3. Copy the Magnet link from one of the above posters.

  4. In qbittorrent click on the icon in the top left that looks like a chain link. When you hover your cursor over it, it should say 'Add Torrent Link'

  5. A small wondow will open. This is where you paste the magnet link to. If you had previously copied the magnet link in step 3, it should already be pasted.

  6. Click 'Download'.

  7. A new window will appear. If you want to download them all (You should, it's only 1.9gb) simply click 'Download' again. If not, uncheck the boxes on the left of the files you don't want.

Hopefully this was clear enough to follow. Let me know if you need any help.

Thanks man, i appreciate it. You've "idiot proofed" it for me

You're welcome !

See, there are some kind hearted people here! 💛

Hey your lips to god’s ears, pal. What the hell do I know about gigabits and magnetic links? The only links I know are the sausage links the old lady fries up for me in the morning before I head out to the job site.

Haha you're a geezer

The second act (arc, if you will) of my life is where things are really gonna pick up!

What a boomer newb. PMs, man. Some lonelybfaggot will teach you how to use a torrent client.

Would you like to teach me ? 😀

Magnets, how do they work?

The positive thing is attracted to the negative thing?


like Porsalin attracted to faggotry

Worked for me - thanks!

Thank you!


Great name

cheers mate, any of you got the sam interview?

You’ve performed a valuable service for the archive. Someday, someone will open that torrent and a middle-aged bespectacled Nazi (no, not me) will have his face melt off in agonizing pain.

0 seeds

Yeah I bet you like to seed a box.

I hope he gets seeded in a rose garden

fux yeah nigga

And don’t forget to create a plethora of alts so that people don’t forget how special you are innit

That's too bad. More people needed to hear how bad the last few (+ the interviews) were.

Not the Danny Ross interview too?

Please, no.

Wanna touch penises?

something tells me I shouldn't.

أنا أعطيك باد

You can't sway me with your honeyed words.

This is gay. Did Frunks actually give out Porsalin’s Christian name and his flat or whatever?



what a faggot. the only good one was the matarese one anyway.

Way to go faggots, always ruining a good thing. For pictures of whales and black face.

He shouldn't have been doxxed but fuck him for being a self-sucking, greedy faggot. He got a rightful trashing from everyone who wasn't Frunkis

does anyone have a complete list ? I saved a few but I would like to have a full collection.

I want blood from this faggot! He's gotta be some kind of ball washer or something to be stalking out and "investigating" porsalin in the first place. And someone who's making content for us and being positive and supporting in this sub isn't trying to get it shut down. There's something rotten about this whole thing. I honestly think porsalin banged funkis's mom and shit on his tendies.

Or Ant upped his bounty.

Could have just given him shit and called him a faggot in private. totally unnecessary way for everything to shake down.


Stop cucking out over porsalin

"Because Frunkis" or because Porsalin created an alt account and got extremely embarrassed when it was exposed... or after Porsalin's bullshit narrative about a bunch of people on a Discord sitting around plotting against subreddit members failed to distract everyone.

I don't give a shit how many alts Porsalin creates (I still think half of the comments on this sub are just Knickers roleplaying with himself) but I liked watching the documentaries and was keen to see the Schumer one, and its fallout.

So, yeah - fuck Frunkis.

i dont give a shit about Frunkis, he doesnt even post much in the channel either. Porsalin was way more into the chatroom than Frunkis

I wasn't a huge fan of any of his work besides the Sam Roberts doc. Porsalin managed convinced me that Sam is truly an unbridled sociopath. The Sam Hyde interview was okay, but that's because Sam is funny. The MDE documentary was nothing more than ass lapping and pretending that MDE was deeper than they were.

I’m smelling conspiracy. I think frunks is involved and they’ve been paid off.

Drama aside, this "I'm taking my ball and going home" tactic is pure bitch shit.

he's a redbar fan, the faggotry was to be expected

oh my god for fucking christ's sake

I saved these

The Least Professional Broadcaster - A Sam Roberts Documentary


Pat Duffy Interview - The Least Professional Broadcaster (FULL)

Sam Hyde Interview - Blacklisted

If anyone wants them I'll upload it to a host and post links here. if anyone has host space and want me to upload them there PM me.

if porsalin is reading and doesn't want this PM me on an alt to let me know and I won't

if someone has a Bit chute account they should upload the Sam ones so Sam can continue to be haunted by them


Porsalin is showing you who's boss. If he wasn't a homosexual that lived in his mother's basement, but had a wife instead you just know he'd be beating her right now.

Fucking nutjob.

Beige's docs are way better anyway.

The guy with Anthony Cumia's balls in his mouth is throwing stones.

I thought i told you to go fuck of, you child molestation apologist. .

I thought i told you to go fuck of

I literally almost did a spit take when I read this


I literally almost did a spit take when I read this

Did ya?



Hi, deep__legal_fag!

Your comment alerted me so I thought I would stop by and offer you a robot hug! I wish you well!01011

-HallMonitorBot [0_0]

Never waste a load.


You guys I think I just found Beige's at account ^ He uploaded it again 3 hours ago

Brother Joe wins again

I felt a little bad for Porsalin before this but removing The Worm Has Turned is unforgivable.

i will miss the joe matatrese doc the most.

There seems to be a retarded mulatto on YouTube reporting about this now

You just had a bertation.

Don't even worry about it, they'll all be reuploaded soon anyway.

It's fairly easy. First install a Torrent Client. I use qbittorrent.

  1. Download qbittorrent from this link

  2. When it is finished installing, open the program.

  3. Copy the Magnet link from one of the above posters.

  4. In qbittorrent click on the icon in the top left that looks like a chain link. When you hover your cursor over it, it should say 'Add Torrent Link'

  5. A small wondow will open. This is where you paste the magnet link to. If you had previously copied the magnet link in step 3, it should already be pasted.

  6. Click 'Download'.

  7. A new window will appear. If you want to download them all (You should, it's only 1.9gb) simply click 'Download' again. If not, uncheck the boxes on the left of the files you don't want.

Hopefully this was clear enough to follow. Let me know if you need any help.

Nobody googles Jim

You can't sway me with your honeyed words.

Hey your lips to god’s ears, pal. What the hell do I know about gigabits and magnetic links? The only links I know are the sausage links the old lady fries up for me in the morning before I head out to the job site.


like Porsalin attracted to faggotry