Reminder: Joe once got angry at a flight attendant because she failed to notice he was cosplaying as a war hero that day.

1  2018-11-14 by AndRiseAgain


That photo has been shopped. Somebody posted the real version yesterday.

"You bought a cap off eBay?"

A fucking 60 year old with the mind of a toddler... that family is truly retarded

Why do we care about this?

As opposed to what? A guy having two accounts?

I hope Joe Royce gets decapitated.

I know that from over previous chats.

It's something I'm very passionate about so it comes up a lot in conversation.

Be the change you want to see

I guarantee you he was probably clutching the armrests and hyper-ventilating.

But enough about his weight

Why would the army want to peel potatoes in mid air?

For some delicious fried snacks?

i think you can peel and fry on the ground

What does he want her to do?

I was going to make an announcement regarding the turbulence but it has come to my attention one of you served in the peacetime Army. Over

I'll wear your old unit, faggot.

I got a unit for you fella

Ya u can stuff you're penis in my rectum a bunch if ya catch my drift

Were a part of the holy potato war like Joe was?

I can never bring myself to use military discounts cuz of guys like Joe.

I don't get his story. I still want Joe evicted.


Bitch probably thought that was a new Aeropostale sub-brand. Joe just assumes that some dopey bitch who serves drinks and hands out pillows to sample the cocks of the world knows WTF that is.

Airborne but i bet roe wishes it was stillborne

I don't think that's possible.

She's dead, you see.

"The flight attendant comes on the PA, looks at me, and says to the cabin..."

So of course I had to post this (in the air as he writes this) to tell everyone "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERY ONE OF YOU 'CIVILIANS' AND 'AVIATORS'."

Of all the people in the O&A universe, I wish the most excruciating, protracted, gruesome death on this ass.

Who wants to bet she told the air marshal to keep an eye on the sketchy Arab with the goatee and baseball cap.

He is the most hateable fuck imaginable. In one of his insane rambling FB posts the other day he actually said, and I quote "Serving time in the military does something to everyone who's been makes you just a little more determined, focused and capable than the average non-vet in many ways."

This bumbling peacetime potato peeler doesn't even have the discipline to get his own daughter to get his own daughter to school on time.

Too bad you weren't determined, focused or capable enough to work a job in your entire life other than playing dress up in some shitty cover band and living off handouts from your baby brother eh Joe?

Joe really needs to replace Amy as public enemy #1.

what an asshole.

You know what would be cool? Watching Joe die in a wretched manner.

Wish he'd have jumped out of that plane.

He is such a piece of shit. I don't even think anyone else in the O&A Universe comes close...including his human garbage brother and the tranny lover

Why do some military people feel like the entire populace of the world needs to collectively open their assholes to them because of the career choice they chose?

Tbf, Joe is old enough to have served in Vietnam. Most of the enlisted ranks did not have a choice in being in the armed forces.

This is true, however, Joe wasn't in Vietnam. I'm also talking about the people who chose to join the military rather than being drafted.

This whole nonsense of people in the military, law enforcement, fire fighting, etc. automatically being branded as heroes needs to stop. It's a job you signed up for, stop with the horseshit.

"It's a good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts."

Joe Cumia dresses like a cowboy and takes Puerto Rican cock up his fag ass. He also was kicked out of the military for using drugs because he's a fucking loser on top of him being a fag, like I said before.

Joe was in the Army when absolutely nothing was happening. He wants the respect of a war veteran when he didn’t even leave the States. He’s basically wearing a participation trophy.

Either joe is doing satire of joe, or he’s the faggiest faggot on erf.

Respect the man for his valiant service. One day in late November, many moons ago, he was given 3 bags of spuds, full of eyes. Needless to say, Joe made a miracle that Thanksgiving.

It's amazing the number of shit qualities this fuckhead has. How desperate for attention do you have to be? "Some of these snowflakes might be scared of a lil chop, but NOT THIS TOUGH HOMBRE!" Thinking about him feeling masculine and superior compared to passengers which likely included girls and kids is beyond embarrassing. And then he posts it for the rest of the world to see. What an insufferable waste of skin.

I don't know which would be worse. The fact that he's an utter fraud as tough guys go yet constantly posts to the contrary, or an alternate universe version of him who really is legitimate yet feels the need to compare himself to a cabin full of random strangers.

He had 45 confirmed bags of potatoes peeled.

Meh, he did it, I didn't. If he was 82ndi think it's a pretty safe bet he jumped out of some perfectly good airplanes. Serving 2-4 years in peace... I think I'd be more like "look what these guys did in (wherever the fuck they're going next)" than "yeah, I was part of these guys when we never left Ft. Bragg" (ironic name).

The best thing to come out of Joe's service was Anthony's story about blowing up the flash bang thing.

I know that from over previous chats.

This is true, however, Joe wasn't in Vietnam. I'm also talking about the people who chose to join the military rather than being drafted.

This whole nonsense of people in the military, law enforcement, fire fighting, etc. automatically being branded as heroes needs to stop. It's a job you signed up for, stop with the horseshit.