Hey Mods, own up to your faggotry and sticky an explanation on the front page

1  2018-11-14 by crookedmile

Get your shit together you dirty buttfuckers


Hah. Mods doing stuff

They power trip pretty good

As for doing real stuff like changing sidebars etc it's a no-no

The power trip over that street shitter dick.

for every deleted street shitter thread they will spend another year boiling in excrement in hell

It seems obvious at this point that at least one of them is a curry muncher.

They power trip pretty good. What are the names of them other mods we got?

what are some of dem other power trippers we got?

If there's one thing the people deserve, it's answers.

No instead they added a hall monitor bot showing that they can’t even handle running a sub on Reddit from a radio show a decade again. They should all step aside and let fans of the show who actually like Anthony ,Opie, Jim .... fuck Sam

what is that hallmonitor bot? I've seen it pop-up couple times but don't get what trigger it

you need to put street shitter in the title to get their immediate attention

its just one mod doing the deleting of it dude. in fact another of the mods (BGYamo) disagrees with it but is ganged up by the other 2.

We don't WANT mods. Just change the sidebar pictures and take your hands off.


At least one has to be an overt cumboi and covert chappofag. Make me a mod!

why do you guys always say "mods"?

its basically just Spaceedge and toolman. whatevers happening is down on them


i could moderate this sub all by myself better than you cunts, and the only reason i come here is to say nigger with impunity.

This nigga gets it.

its just one mod doing the deleting of it dude. in fact another of the mods (BGYamo) disagrees with it but is ganged up by the other 2.