Nana Mentioned Three People, the ONLY Three People She'd Never Let on Her Show Today...

1  2018-11-14 by SpaceCaseBassFace

1.) Dani Brand, duh.

2.) Someone who "used to be on the platform and wasn't entertaining and was a huge douchebag."

3.) A former employee intern that turned into an employee at Sirius/XM that'll never come on again. I wanna say this one is Danny, but to my knowledge, Danny was never on TACS. I don't know if he was an intern for O&A initially either.

As we all know, Nana's memory isn't quite what it used to be. In fact, I can think of several people she'd never feature on her show. I could even name a couple of people she wouldn't even acknowledge exist on her show!

Like, say, Sue Lightning!


Of course he didn't mention the infinitesimal list of people who will never agree to appear on any CP Media show, no matter how desperate they are.

Yeah, Danny Ross was an intern before getting hired. no idea on #2, Artie Lange?

2 is Redbar. Porsalin's handler.

I forgot about that guy, that makes sense.

Someone who "used to be on the platform and wasn't entertaining and was a huge douchebag."

Mike David?


Jim Norton?

Awww, Nana thinks her little web show is big enough she can meaningfully ban people from her show no one wanted on in the first place. Haha, I love our nana! She is so full of energy and life even in her old age and deteriorating condition.