Chip sucks now

1  2018-11-14 by asdfghjklfk

He used to be funny. Now he's just a shit. What happened to him? He used to tell good jokes all the time.


You just are now realizing this?

Chip stinks. It was funny in small doses on the radio years ago. The attempt to make it some full time "anti-comedy" gag like Neil Hamburger has been awful. Not to mention it's probably stolen from the Jerky Boys.

I think the only time chip was funny was when Jimmy would 1 up a shitty joke

Hot take

A small doses character. The podcast was better when it was 20 to 30 minutes. Chip was best when he would just randomly show up on the radio show and be gone as suddenly as he appeared.

Come back after you finish nightschool shit head


It's that big beefers Christina sucking all things funny out of the room. Bring back Lauren!