A true Brotherman

1  2018-11-13 by GrandTefftAuto

I’m all in with the Opster love.

This fawkin guy took the full brunt of this sub for years, with his two former co-hosts egging it on and adding fuel to the fire. But the brotherman with the beefers of gold persevered. He went into his cocoon and survived the gauntlet, emerging as a true Brotherfly.

Unlike the swarthy child enthusiast, who can’t even handle just a taste, or the shapeshifting Worm, who has decided SJW are his ticket to fame (never gonna happen), the Opster has undergone a metamorphosis.

Zen Opie, dropping bombs left and right, is enjoying himself again doing what he loves. He doesn’t have to act like a family values conservative like the tranny fucking, iPad giving, mom abandoning jihadist. And he doesn’t have to motherfuck himself to the politically correct crowd like the middle of the road, spineless, genuinely I would tell you Viking researcher. He just has a hang and enjoys himself with his buddies. And he’s even starting to pull in some quality guests.

Brotherman, I salute you.

Yes I’m a faggot.


his recent podcasts have been better than anything on Compound or J&S. Better guests too.