Beloved documentary makers working to destroy the sub, discord guys doxxing, mods being removed and replaced. This is our Night of the Long Knives.

1  2018-11-13 by nomobjustice


Lets not forget the biggest drama of the day, which is Thomas Daly promised to show his dick on twitch in exchange for a donation, took the donation, and didn't show his dick on Twitch - scaaaaaaam

Why that dude have scabs on his face?

Meth abuse

There's video of him fucking an ugly old hooker hes posted many times.

as it was with AH, the silent majority will emerge victorious again.

Beefersteak Nazis.

Does this mean Anthony wins?

Operation Cummingbird

I've been around this sub for 5 years on different accounts and this is by far the gayest shit you chodes have ever been involved in. This is a place for shitting on people from a radio show we all liked 10 years ago. Delete your discord and stop trying to befriend each other you lonely old queers.

Well, I've been here six months and Tuesday's are always rough here. By tomorrow there will be a new topic or meme and everyone restarts in obscurity. Also, things are always a little restless before the holidays. I think this time last year, Kuhn tried stealing that soundbar.

Same. I agree. This is more embarrassing than anything. Also, the BroJoe bit is too saturated.

When's our Day Of The Rope?

And the mods we're left with are fucking SpaceEdge and TheToolMan, the two biggest faggots on the face of the earth.
