Listen people, grow the fuck up and stop trying to turn this into a “community”.

1  2018-11-13 by JumidoArts

Why can’t we just come on here and torture these shitheads without being all “buddy buddy” about it. I don’t wanna be any of your friends and you shouldn’t wanna be mine.

Say hello and keep it moving!


What's your pleasure young fella?

too late..... HUG BUDDY!


Got him

We're actually all best friends irl. We get together a few times a year to drink and pool money for cheap hookers. The only reason we don't invite you to be part of the gang is because we have strict rules about allowing in dick sucking faggots.


Yeah, Jimmy's not invited.

we have strict rules about allowing in dick sucking faggots.

No you don’t.

You misunderstood. The rules are that dick sucking faggots are welcomed and put to work immediately.

OP is a sloppy party bottom. His mouth work leaves a lot to be desired and his asshole is so loose you might as well be fucking a 4 inch sewer line.

We don't allow fatties either. Sorry you didn't make it, stupid fat fuck.

You certainly do.

I'm more open to being friends.

Take you out to dinner, maybe kiss you. :)

No one's given me a fucking iPad. How can we be real friends around here if we can't catfish each other for free Electronics?

How about a soundbar?

You think you’re cool for thinking this but you’re actually gay. Why so gay?

anthony cumia thought he could fuck a mentally retarded boy with taped on tits

could've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for us meddling pests

He’s never even met my kids but one of them.. once!


You realize that the only members of this sub are you, me, and my 25,000 alt accounts, right?

Myspace and Facebook ruined the internet. Now we got all these fags who put out even their personal shit connected to their random usernames. Join a fucking club if you want friends you losers.

Me and the fellas at Elks Lodge 2162 are always welcoming new members to join - poker nights on Thursday, just don't bring the wife!

Nothing like a good weeknight poker game. Sometimes they go late and I gotta take an extra container of coffee to the job site

Oh that regular Joe and his unhealthy obsession with coffee containers.

That would be great, but there's a lot of people here who keep an eye out for my username so I can't leave them in the lurch.

Oh come on in, the waters fine!

And we never try to venerate the entrepreneur.

Can't we call ourselves an "army" or something badass like that though? Maybe make some merch?

How about "The Mongooses"? That would be a cool name, "The Fighting Mongooses".

How about The Fighting Maloonagins?

Or the fighting moolies

The Screamin Moon Crickets

Or The Gay Faggots

The simple civilians

I thought we were all hater-fighters??

This fella's got the right idea

Aw come on. If I don't treat you guys like brothers (and the black one, she's kinda like a dog or goldfish), then I would have to actually start loving and appreciating my real family.

Don't ever tell me what to do

Why wouldn't you want to be my friend? I have plenty of IPads over here just waiting for a little morsel like you to take them away. Would you like a room in the East wing or the West wing :)?

The only time I want to know who any of you are in real life is when you murder your child, or if you have some hot Panera coupons. Otherwise keep it movin', peeps.

Yeah this place was great because we just anonymously posted nasty jokes and gossip about comedians. Then the fags arrived and tried to make it a fucking community like what happens with every other faggy message board with dweebs fighting for hierarchy and purpose. It’s just a place to talk shit. Never attach meaning to this place and your place in it.

Hi, TrollmassaGeneral!

Your comment alerted me so I thought I'd stop by and wish you a wonderful day!10110

-HallMonitorBot [0_0]

I blame that cancer faggot

Dead faggot I'm glad he quit posting.

Nah. Marma was a good dude. It started way before that.

I blame the jews.

I always blame them. Them and their weather machine.

"The's like the weather"

I hear ya.

Well that’s a given.

That gave me a good laugh... I’ll regret this one day

Everyone downvoted me for wishing him dead and not giving a fuck.

What did that shitdick ever contribute here besides kicking the bucket and announcing it as if anyone knew or cared about who he was?

This is why you name the jew every chance you get. It keeps out the riff raff.

Ahhh the plight of the friendless... looking for support and a sense of community in fucking SUBREDDIT dedicated to constantly repeated, terrible jokes. Sign me up!

I dunno know why but I read this in Nana's voice.

You don’t want to be my friend?


That's the spirit

It's a community of nice loving people where we all get along 💕👧🏼🎃🍒💕 especially Discord

I went on the discord to check it out, figured it would be a place where other people were drinking. First of all they bring you into a "private server" to make sure you aren't someone they aren't friends with and then you get three people in private telling you to join this other discord because the one I joined was for faegs.

It's just a place you won't understand if you haven't been around there since 2009 and if you don't buy drugs from people with pill presses online, you'll feel left out. A lot of the discussion is asking about how the latest batches were or if they have been delivered yet.

Also, their go to scare tactic for new users is to spam people jerking off with shit like I'm really going to be turned off by that.

Overall, it was a decent two hours, it quickly got boring though. I was hoping to see some sluts like I keep hearing about on R&F with the IBang but no such luck.

Wait, what? I can get drugs through there? Lemme reconsider this now


Shit negro... that’s all you had to say!

you should be familiar with chatroom/irc dynamics at this stage of your age

Urinal etiquette.

We are doing the same thing, not together though.

If you're not man enough to hold hands with the man next to you at the urinal, you're a faggot.

I have everyone here including myself

What this sub needs is, for a member to commit another heinous crime; to keep this friend shit from spreading

Because fags want to make it wackbag 2.0

Are you my daddy?

I’ve been posting here for 7 years under various usernames and I’ve never looked at any of the usernames here, aside from sometimes bams_seed and knickers sometimes.


Not until RES starts hitting the double-digits do I really notice anyone's name.

What is red?



What's the matter baby boy?

hello, fuck off.

OP is a fag that has never been in a community.

Because some of us have been doing this for 4 years. It’s a natural result of that.

This is like watching a young transexual man with a feminine penis ass fuck a middle aged arab.

Seriously. Fuck friends.

"Torture" ... that's rich.

The only thing worse than being a known character on a radio show is being a known character on a message board about that radioshow.

“Lighten up, Francis.”

As a matter of fact, don’t even say hello you introverted virgin tranny lusters


so .... I guess we know who isnt coming to subreddit meetup this year.

United we stand divided they fall they cant shoot one nigga but they cant shoot us all. And lets make peace with the Mexicans and we can all have peace with the sets again. Imagine that if it took place. Keeping the smile off their white face.

Oh shit wrong subreddit. My bad

So when's the meet up?

I've been on to this sub since before Anthony got fired. I still understand nothing of what's going on here.

You keep circle jerking about shit from TACS and the Jim and Sam show and I have no idea what you're talking about. You guys are 100% a community whether you like it or not.

tbh people who got involved with discord kind of deserved it. Even if I liked some of them, they should know better than to get involved in that.

Your probably one of the faggots doxxing everyone

Im a fan of O and A.

No one wants to be your friend loser get, over yourself

The Screamin Moon Crickets

That's the spirit