Reminder: When he's drunk, his real Gay voice comes out.

1  2018-11-13 by Snake_____86


Bl-ack Jack

AKA his real voice

Oh my gaawwwd, thasss ttterrible.

oh maaai gaaawd, riiiight??

Whatta pain intha aaayyssss.

Naaaaffffing workssss

The medication don’t work. I’ve been here for seven yeaaars

Remember that video of him drunkenly saying goodbye to Travis' young daughter at that "compound party (ugh)". "Bye-ly Reilly"- In the most ghoulish voice possible. Fucking monster.

I almost thought that was Richard Simmons for a moment.

Who would bring their young child to this pedophilic monsters house party?! And look at that ghoulish hand movements as he waves bye.

It's unpleasant to look at Anthony's face.

Is anyone in Anthony's crew not obese and goateed? Who is that guy?

No filter Paul

Someone from somewhere.

And you guys still call Anthony gay?

is that the origin of nana? Seriously sounds like a drunk aunt...

Anthony cumia is a flaming queer.

I'm so glad his father had several chances to call this queer a faggot. Makes me proud.

The most horrific was that time a few months back when he called Danny and spoke in a woman's voice.

I don't know if its still available on facebook, but he was drunk and flaaaaaaming on their election night broadcast.

Would love to hear even a snippet of this.

No filter Paul

Someone from somewhere.

Would love to hear even a snippet of this.