Listen to me my homosexual son that shames the whole family

1  2018-11-13 by Otto-Ernst-Remer




Never would have guessed street shitters had any form of shame

Did you know muslim ladies have to splash they kitties w water after they pee

Thats why the bathroom so damn wet

u/boogsuge and u/YeIsAltRight are fucking gross just like the rest of them

Coupla fuckin' dirty baby raping shitskins that need to get the fuck out if they know what's good for em. NOT. WELCOME.

Imagine American History X if a 7/11 employee got curb stomped... would've brought the world together in harmony

The visual just made me laugh for like 3 minutes straight.

Not welcome? I’ve been here longer than u and most ppl here r pretty cool and not obsessed with race. Head on over to the compound media sub, you’ll fit right in

I'd say let's shake hands and forget about it, but yours probably has shit on it.

Edgy. Do u get pleasure from downvoting my comments lol. Pathetic

I didn't downvote your comment. I do take pleasure in reading your comments in your stupid durka dur accent though.

Why would I have an accent I’m from Vancouver lol

Oh cool. Get the fuck out of my country.

If not from Vancouver toronto or Montreal ur opinion doesn’t matter. U seem like ur from Alberta

I'm from a backwoods hick shithole in Ontario. You'd get thrown down a mine shaft.

Lol I like how ur proud to be living in a shithole. Ur living in an Indian street toilet

Oh, literal boogsuge.

Not gonna lie, it seems like you’ve had a lot of gay sex with Indian dudes and ur shame is eating u alive

If I was gonna pick any race of dude to have gay sex with, it'd be one that properly cleans their asshole.

Hmm ur obsession with Indian males begs to differ

Literally nobody wants to fuck Indian males. Not even other Indians. That's why arranged marriage is a thing.

I’m dating a white woman. She’s 25 5’7 with average tits. I’m very handsome

She must have some serious defect that made her resort to you.

I’m tall, good looking and have money. I’m sure u have good qualities also

Yeah.... but you wipe your ass with your hand, dude.

I wish I had that kind of dedication.

None of you are good looking, barely better than Australian aboriginals

That’s not true. I think ur thinking of Hindus, they’re small and dark while I’m tall with light brown skin

You were still born into a street shitter caste, always a street shitter no court or law can change that

I don’t think u understand castes

Its depends on where they shit either the street,beach, or sidewalk

Or blood from taking part of a gang rape of a four year old

What is it with Indians using the we were here first battle cry? see how well it worked out in the States?

Who’s we? I’m talking about myself being here for 5 years and u just showing up when ur fag sub got shut down

Savage, I have been here longer than you, if we had known of your street shitter ways you would have been hated a long time ago

His street shitter defense is to call you a MDE fag

That’s what u r

You seem like an actual psycopath... you are obsessed with me.

U MDE fags r obsessed with me. Kind of cute

Nobody likes MDE and I'm not even racist (that's what's so insane about this). It's only funny to say horrible things to you because you take it to heart.

I couldn’t care less tho. What makes u think I’m taking any of this to heart lol I think it’s funny to see what you’ll say next

Because you feel the need to defend yourself.

I’m not defending anything I’m responding. U seem obsessed with me so I’m giving u the information u so desperately crave

Lol employing the Dovid defense. Nice.

U tag my name and I respond to ur babble. Ur clearly obsessed with me and want to marry me

Motherfucker I don't know how to tag people and I'm doing this because it's fun and I have nothing better to do.

I’m killing time before work. And Yes, I clean streets of shit

Good boy. See? There's a new narrative whether you like it or not and it's just easier for you if you go with it. Street shitter.

R u enjoying the recent influx of mde fags in this sub? Honest question

Not at all man. Sam Hyde isn't funny and they can all piss up a rope.

But they’re the ones joining in on ur hate of a handsome Sikh make. So ur one of them now

Incorrect. Do you carry a sword?

No, I’m not religious.

I'd fake it if it meant I could carry a sword wherever. I'd go to parks and pick up garbage with it.

Ur not allowed to take it out unless it’s a life or death situation

Or else what? I do what I want, bitch.

Or else the cops will arrest u for wielding a sword in a public park

See above comment: I DO. WHAT I WANT. BITCH.

Fuck that’s badass

Hey man just wanted to say bye before I head off to work. Love u

Kisses babe

I know ur not one of the MDE fags you’ve been here for a while

Nobody likes MDE and I'm not even racist (that's what's so insane about this). It's only funny to say horrible things to you because you take it to heart.

Because you feel the need to defend yourself.

Lol I like how ur proud to be living in a shithole. Ur living in an Indian street toilet