
1  2018-11-13 by Randamaang


Too real.

Greasy faggot always has a drink in every picture of him.

That drink is a glass of 12 year old boys urine

By the time the Cumia brothers finish with a neighborhood child they look like dried up coral.

Knocking a few back dials down the volume of the voice in his head "Suck a cock. Go on, suck a cock, you know you want to."

He's still got Big A!

Those people have no souls.

When you listen again to like 2007-2008, Anthony was revered by everyone. He was the superstar of 202 and was beloved by other hosts, staff and fans. The drop this man has taken into obscurity is way steeper than both Jim or Opie. All because he equates freedom with the “right” to say nigger. This is what makes him some first amendment martyr in his mind. He is by far the worst of the three. Jim has just fallen into being a mediocre radio host and prop comic. Opie at least stayed true to himself.

I think it was being so universally loved that ultimately led to him being sacked too. He was so complacent about his Sirius gig towards the end that he really didn't think he could do any wrong. That's why he'd just randomly decide to just go on some poker trip instead of showing up for work or regularly show up hungover.

The twitter meltdown that got him fired is perfect proof of how untouchable he thought he was. This stupid fuck had been talking everyday on the air for months about how people were losing their jobs all the time because of manufactured outrage. Yet he still went on endless tirade on Twitter and called the girl who attacked a nigger, not people, animal etc. and the retard was actually amazed when Sirius booted him.

Even this shithole supported him for a long time after he was fired as if it wasn't completed his fault that he blew up O&A. It wasn't until he started showing what a thin-skinned little hypocrite bitch boy he is that everyone turned on him.

Now in 2018 he's broadcasting to a few thousand people at the very most, is surely running out of money at a rapid pace, his "book tour" is going to be an absolute humiliation as will the sales of it and he's no longer able to post on the platform he loved more than his own mother.

Nice going Ant. I'm sure it was all worth it though since you can say whatever you want now.

"Was I in an argument last night..who was thOh no.."

I believe him when he says he mostly doesn’t care what some of his former fans think. But I 100% agree that he is miserable. He ruined his own career, by his own stupidity, and still can’t control himself. Now, four years removed from the beginning of his network, it isn’t anywhere near what it should’ve been and he knows that. The reason these things hurt him is because they didn’t have to be this way. Anthony actually allowed his company to be run by a law-enforcement officer, he bragged openly about progress that was never made, and can’t even get decent guests after attracting A-list and B-list celebrities less than half a decade ago. He can’t even find someone to make passable graphics for his show. He knows he is a liar. He knows he is obsessed with social media and can’t stop, he knows his consumption of alcohol made his life worse and he can’t stop, he knows all of these things. He has to pretend that he doesn’t in order to pretend that he’s happy. Happy men don’t allow their mother to die, lost in her own dementia, but vaguely aware that she hasn’t seen her son. Happy man have real friends, and real families, not just hangers on. The one person in the public eye who has stuck up for him, Jim Norton, doesn’t even come on his show anymore. Anthony sits there on the shit Chip podcast, knowing how terrible it is, unable to say anything, fake laughing, knowing that his friend won’t return the favor and show up on his broadcast. He’s lost.

Be a brotha man and hit the "enter" key occasionally

Yeah... I really should. Or just talk less.

We know Ant was scared to talk to Bill Burr. He's probably scared to ask Norton, Colin, Bobby and Vos to do his show. Ant shows is really just 3 guys pretending to enjoy each other's company

I think it was being so universally loved that ultimately led to him being sacked too. He was so complacent about his Sirius gig towards the end that he really didn't think he could do any wrong. That's why he'd just randomly decide to just go on some poker trip instead of showing up for work or regularly show up hungover.

The twitter meltdown that got him fired is perfect proof of how untouchable he thought he was. This stupid fuck had been talking everyday on the air for months about how people were losing their jobs all the time because of manufactured outrage. Yet he still went on endless tirade on Twitter and called the girl who attacked a nigger, not people, animal etc. and the retard was actually amazed when Sirius booted him.

Even this shithole supported him for a long time after he was fired as if it wasn't completed his fault that he blew up O&A. It wasn't until he started showing what a thin-skinned little hypocrite bitch boy he is that everyone turned on him.

Now in 2018 he's broadcasting to a few thousand people at the very most, is surely running out of money at a rapid pace, his "book tour" is going to be an absolute humiliation as will the sales of it and he's no longer able to post on the platform he loved more than his own mother.

Nice going Ant. I'm sure it was all worth it though since you can say whatever you want now.