u/joeymeatsauce is u/porsalin. "joey" just happened to praise porsalin's work, defend him in posts, and accuse u/BeigeFrequency of theft.

1  2018-11-12 by FrunkisOA

this is extremely gay, but.


is porsalin

sad and embarassing.

links: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/384792357842976770/511627571272613888/unknown.png


thats just a sample... theres about 10 comments referring to porsalin or praising porsalin.

he also calls out beigefrequency about stealing documentary footage?

oh and theres this :)



BOARD GOSSIP razzle dazzle

Stay tuned for the sit down with mafia life Chris!


A little gossip a little chat.

A little idle gossip of this and that.

It seems that a certain English o&a fan turned movie producer is getting a little full of himself. He's posting positive powerful praise for himself using another name. You could say he's Porsa Linning this round but I'll never tell..."

Jealousy, night and day you tor-ture me

"A little gossip, a little chat..."

I can't be bothered with this.

what is this fuckin homework

structure your accusations better

i think i did, you just have to follow 3 links :/ ?

ok so what happens now

we laugh and call him a fag

ok ill call anybody a fag even if i dont care


You've failed to make me care. Fag.

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startin dockin eachother

I have no idea what the fuck is going in those remedial class tier caps.

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well...joeymeatsauce does use British English, so that's enough evidence for me.

Solid sleuthing, Veronica Mars.

I'm actually Executive Intern David. Bet you didn't know that did you?

Just for fun can I be Erock?

If you like Coke floats in your cup.

I do and having my own nigger army seems swell.

I like Erock he's cool I want to be him too 👧🏼💕🐈🌷🍒👑

You can play the roll of the mushmouthed nigger that no one wants around.

I did but I'm also Executive Intern David.

We've got a real I am Spartacus situation going on here.

Wuh wuh wuh I'm Spartacus?

Wait if you're Spartacus than who's David? And what's this in my pants?

I broke the dam

I can confirm this is fucking retarded

Frunkis swoops again

get a hold of yourself sir youre panicking

Also the 'Joey Meatsauce' twitter account belongs to Steve Miller Miller - he runs a joe matarese parody acct

Isn't it just possible that guy has become high profile enough through quality work that he's just got a ball washer? I can't take sides between him and beige because I like getting alternating schedules of material but they both do the lords work


Why the fuck you just doxx him?

If he's so great why's his middle name the same as his last name then


k bud. its not you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

You're honestly out of your mind. About 3 servers all know about Jack Ruby.

If I'm doing internet ops at your age, please shoot me in the forehead.

you're two years younger than me, and you make feature length documentaries about people from O and A... you're hardly in a position to criticize me, sir.

You were the discord heel for 2 years bud. Sit down.

The one you left because we called you a fag?

Oh my, a discord heel?!? I hope his family doesn't find out, that could ruin a man.

Go play 24hr internet ops with your other Warski faggots

whats a warski faggot?

A gay man from Poland

I feel like somehow "bloodsports", ecelebs, and /cow/ are bleeding out over to here. At least that is what it seems from porsalins post. What is the connection I do not know.

there isnt one, porsalin is desperately deflecting because he forgot hes being using the same alias for 12 years with his real name attached and people might rightfully think hes a fag soon.

This is so gay, both of you please stop

And you investigate the guy who makes the documentaries so....

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You either die the hero or live long enough to be called a faggot.

Look at me im porsalin im a gay brit

easily forged, and easily taken out of context

funny thing is the context is all there, and real... go look yourself

its for sure him and its not forged

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Well that was much ado about nothing, you blithering idiot. Uh oh, did this comment just out me as yet another of poraslin's alts?

can you find & promote MY 2 twitters please, I'd prefer you promote the one that's not in my real name, but no worries.

Thanks babe

The truth is out there.

Way to thank the dude for his great content by doxxing him... fucking twat!!

i did "thank" him, once... I told him he did a good job on the first one... but then he got greedy for the admiration, started using this account (among others probably) to bump himself up a little bit, then rushed out 3 lackluster documentaries that were slapped together.

he's really no different than the people he makes documentaries of. He has no right criticizing anyone else's work.

if, if any of this is true, you would've said it this way in the first place you'd look like less of a vagina

Yeah you don't look good here.. you look like a spiteful little bitch

This is a real battle of halfwits. Like Salieri and Mozart except retarded and autistic.

Except any jamoke like us, especially when he fucked up his debut premiere on that awful documentary directed at Sam Roberts which only gave him a contract extension.

You really are ruining the facade of 'this sub has no affect on our lives' you brit fuck.

Here it is again for context https://streamable.com/4j124

Ewww you are a faggot. You’re jealous another guy got attention so you call him greedy for admiration. This sub is filled with self loathing creeps who despise other people when they get any attention

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You should take him to People's Court over this.

White sneakers are not optional.

Never before have so few cared so much for so little.

I think everybody calling somebody out with a post like that is a cunt - no exceptions. You win the prize, though. I don't even particularly like the guy, but this is subhuman garbage behavior. Screaming embarrassing accusations like that on some gay suspicion. You come across like a jealous bitch. He did get recognition for something well done. You never will.

did you forget where you are? opie and anthony is all about petty fights. settle down bud.

No, that's what you are about.

I know what you are but what am i?

Fuck off, I might be wrong on that one, but you're lame.

Lol what? I ws jut making fun of your comeback, calm down son

In a very uninspired way. That's why I called you lame and asked you to fuck off. Which you won't ever do. Because you need the last word.

ur a fag

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

Reported for spam, you spastic faggot

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

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The only Joey Meatsauce I know is the Mataresian alter-ego of Steve Miller-Miller, the snarky, Asian-loving homosexual sidekick on the delightful MWOT podcast.

That guy is okay and funny. Well known Matarese basher. Does a great job on MWOT.

/u/FrunkisOA am I Miller-Miller now?

  • u/themenwithnoname

You fucking idiot. You think no one else here has multiple accounts.

This sub has passed you by🥀

Do you promote your own content and accuse the other guy who makes documentaries that he is stealing from you? No? Then I don't know doesn't feel like the same thing.

Is this really such a scoop? Just asking.

Its 2 big scoops of egotistical gay wad behavior.

Then pull up a chair for Bick, that nigga hungry

And he's gonna want seconds.

I think that is weird to make other accounts and @ urself to make urself seem cool 😎..... that’s a little too much for me...... 🌺🌷🍒👑💕👧🏼

And trust me when I say this bitch gay as shit

Yeah even i don't do that....💕💯👑👧🏼

Sherlock Homo

I should have remembered where I was...

In r/opieandanthony your idols will be exposed as false prophets

/u/porsalin, comment?

A forty year old man is playing Internet ops with kids half his age. There's really not much I can add to that. He put my doxx out two days back, accused me of rape yesterday (after falling for a bad photoshop) and now this. Again, I just hope I'm not a tenth this gay at his age.

you're two years younger than me. you make full length documentaries about o and a, and mde.... again, you're hardly in a position to criticize anyone.

your dox? ahaha, google porsalin and see what comes up... thats doxxing apparently.

Go look at your stupid periscope, it has your name next to "porsalin"

you're a fucking dummy, and you probably molested a sleeping asian girl


here's this assholes shitty songs in case anyone wants to listen.

Adam Gayly

Go away Sam, we're sick of you.

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how old are the 2 of you?

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You probably killed Stan Lee too so you could cash in on a documentary about him didn't ya?


how old are you, character?

Wait...I praise Porsalin...am I Porsalin?

Guys, I've just came to the realization I'm Porsalin. Give me donations, civilians. I'm an artist

No that just makes you a fag

Shut up Porsalin

Just here to promote the world famous OnA discord:


We have regular drama like this and sublebrities!

This is embarrassingly gay.

Any chance it's Bick Bickerson making patsies?

Pastries? Extremely likely

I hear the boy is fat

Also, Porsalin and 'joeymeatsauce' are also both known redbar cock suckers.

Thank you for your service faggot

Say also again

Also I think Porsalin wants to drum up attention for his Amy Schumer Doc which is also a dead horse because nobody gives two shits about that fat pig anymore but I also think Porsalin is so far up his dirty british bunghole, and also a faggot hungering for praise.

Also, Sam Roberts just proved that this sub has no affect on his life when Porsalin made an hour long documentary that did jack shit. Also.

You wanna fuck or what?

porsalin beat and raped me in 2006

Slimy, disgusting, pompous behavior? FROM A BRIT!!!? Surely you jest.

Who cares mersh does this shit all the time.

fucking hens

Nice try with the hate, brotherman


The links provided weren’t interesting enough to follow, please resubmit in full length documentary format.

Breaking News: u/sams_seed is actually the old u/bams_seed.

Update on the breaking news: her belly button is still jacked.

She's not getting any whiter, either.

Fuck I feel betrayed. The same anger when I was about 11 and a half and I found out Santa Claus wasn't real

Christ what a slowpoke

I think that's about average

Also I'm about 40% sure Beige Frequency is intern Sean from the Cruisin Colin episode

We are getting tailor made full length documentaries here. Let’s not rock the boat please

I don't understand any of this but I do approve of it.

tl;dr porsalin used an alt account to praise himself, and promote his artwork. Also, im gay.

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I have a question, r/FrunkisOA: What have YOU done for us lately?

Is u/porsalin being a faggot right now by using alt accounts to promote himself? Possibly. But...so what? He's made some real headway against people we all hate, and even got Ms. Piggy to sweat on her instagram (about the potentially upcoming doc about her).

Meanwhile, what are YOU doing around here? Besides trying to pick a fight with him and acting like a fag yourself?

Let a nigga live. If the self-promotion through alt-accounts is real, so what; he's another fag in a place that shelters fags. What else is new?

"Maybe dabbled w Sue. But whatever floats his boat." doesn't get enough ad nauseam threads around here.

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"what have YOU done for us lately"

Sorry that we don't have free time to talk over audio clips for roughly $45 on YouTube.

excuse me, 45 of her majesties fine english pounds

Just enough time to investigate the guy who does

porsalin has always sucked

His initial popularity was based on a Joe Matarese impression that sounded nothing like Joe Matarese. It wasn't even that it was a poor impression, it literally was an impression of something other than Joe Matarese, but it got upvoted anyway because it pandered to the subreddit's opinions and in jokes

All that the documentaries did was put all of the information compiled on the subreddit over the years into a watchable format

He has no sense of humor or creativity and I'm sick of you losers sucking his dick


Bob Kelly is fat?


fucking die already, trash

Defending another male on the internet with sincere righteous emotion

What an absolute self humiliation

Porsalin's made me laugh.

If you overdosed it would be a waste of heroin.

You live in a fucking van because you're so miserable, socially retarded and mentally ill.

Porsalin has sex with Cambodian children

Beige is a saint on eart (for now)

Find you someone who loves you like /u/porsalin loves /u/porsalin.


Can confirm I am gay and pat my own back

This might be the "Quiz Show" of this subreddit. What a scandal.



not meatsauce related but it is definitely suspect and makes me think lance and porsalin are closer than we thought

This whole saga is getting a bit weird. I just hope the Big Amy documentary is still happening.

You know shit is real when Stinks is showing up in the comments

I don't care. If we're weighing out degrees of faggotry then Frunkis' fat body has porsalin beat by a wide margin.

youre right, this is extremely gay.

u/porsalin comment?

So we hate ‘100% Italian’ now or was that a different guy? Cuz I’ll hate whoever

Not even Porsalin's faggotry could stain the beauty of 100% Italian.


Here's Joey e-begging on behalf of Porsalin

Almost all of his posts seem to be dedicated to promoting or defending Porsalin. Looks like he learned something from the $60k fugitive.

damn, this is going into mental illness territory. it was fun now its starting to get really sad.

damn good work sir, how are you able to search that site? I was trying to figure it out. Or is there another way you're doing it?

Any reddit link you have just replace the "reddit" in the URL with "removeddit". As for how I found these specifically, just randomly looked at old posts of his.

Here's one where he gets into a long boring argument but good ol' Joey is there to defend his honor and back him up.

this keeps getting weirder and weirder


thats what i have so far :D

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Your guys’ behavior is way more gay than Porsalins. At least he contributed something that created content for this sub. You’re just investigating a guy making documentaries about some nobodies that only we find enjoyment making fun of. That’s some low level gay guy shit

I'm not investigating shit, I didn't know anything about this feud until I saw this post and I looked into while waiting in a hospital. I didn't give him any money so I don't really care but begging for money under a fake account is the gayest thing here.

The masses just don't catch him

This shit is lame as fuck. So you guys chase away one of the few guys actually creating content for this sub? So now we’ll go back to boring Simpsons pictures and the same shitty recycled memes everyday?

Well done guys. The only content that was actually making it to the people we make fun of with proof of them watching it is now gone. But hey at least we can go back to Joe Cumia has kids spit in his mouth posts that we all quickly scroll past.

Why wouldn’t you guys want him trying to bump yo his videos as much as possible so more people will see them? Who cares what gay behind the scenes shit he does as long as the docs are seen by more people. That was the whole point right? More people see them and more interaction = more content for us. You fucking fat Fred from Brooklyn types ruin everything

I heard your mother died, tell us about it.

Who gives a fuck

Oh my God, that is insane! You mean someone pretended to be someone else online? Have we reported this to authorities? Told national news outlets?

Still done more then you have for this sub you doxxing faggot, hope it happens to you

Ya know what dude, ya make a documentary, ya get a bit of internet fame, boom ya got some weirdo obsessed with finding all ya alt accounts and exposing ya.

just to be clear for people not opening the link. there is solid evidence that porsalin created an alt account and used it to promote himself and say how great he was. This isnt just about "alt" accounts


At the end of the day, you're still a wigger with a yield sign shaped head.

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And trust me when I say this bitch gay as shit

You wanna fuck or what?

Any reddit link you have just replace the "reddit" in the URL with "removeddit". As for how I found these specifically, just randomly looked at old posts of his.

Here's one where he gets into a long boring argument but good ol' Joey is there to defend his honor and back him up.

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