Anthony, Joe, and Dawn after the Compound closes next year.

1  2018-11-12 by nikolam


HAHA! These two EUROPEANS don't even have a plastic dinosaur!!! Back to obscurity with them

I've never seen a woman in a pool with a bikini top and regular shorts.

It's to keep the gunt in

Actually thinking that Ant's family will be sticking around after the gravy train dries up. We already know what Joe actually thinks of his little bro.

Is Tranpa almost out of money?

Well, it’s public record that he didn’t pay his property taxes last year... You be the judge.

Wow I'm way behind on Tranpa news.

Also remortgaged his house

The guy lives in a giant McMansion and his only source of income is the 5 subscribers to Compound Media, meanwhile he still has to pay his cast of Z-list comedians and radio schmucks, what do you think?

I got banned for asking if that was Lady Di.

Normie Reddit sucks homeless man ass.

This pool ain't big enough for the three of us!

Well how can you hope to compete with top comments of this comedic caliber?

Some women just don't feel shame when they hurt themselves stupidly.