Reminder - Joe "Clueless Idiot" Cumia posted this.

1  2018-11-12 by McGowan9


Me - "IED?"

David Brent would have too much self-awareness to ask this. Not Joe.

This conversation happened almost verbatim on Jon Glaser Loves Gear

great show

No Joe I'm sure his leg was blasted off when a Decepticon attacked his base.

Who is he talking to?

Why does he think a shiftless, mooching cover band homo is interesting?????

I've never witnessed another person congratulate themselves to the same extent Joe does in these rambling posts. This is a man who referred to himself as a decent, responsible and independent person in his own mother's eulogy.

He's fucking unbearable.

"The most valuable thing you can give your children is YOUR TIME" - Joe Cumia, a man who can't get his kid to school on time dozens of times a year.

Or who along with his faggot brother couldn't give their mother 5 minutes of their time in the last 5 years of her life.

I picture Joe typing this made up Facebook post as his crying daughter tugs on his arm where a sleeve should be, begging him to drive her to school. "Hang on, sweetie. Daddy is in the zone spinning a patriotic yarn."

You know how I know this is bullshit? I know two different guys who have a prosthetic leg. When they have long pants on you literally can't tell at all. One has a limp and the other one moves fine. And I doubt this guy was on a motorcycle in shorts.

Some guy - "Where's your mom?"

Joe - "Mom's been dead for years. I really, really miss her."

Dawn - "Yeah, actually she isn't dead, she's just really sick. You and Anthony could come with me to visit her anytime."

Joe - "Nah, that would bum me out."

You mean to tell me a guy like Joe might have a tenuous grip on the truth?

"As I was riding a motorcycle at 55 MPH, my 10 year-old daughter - who is completely safe on my SAMCRO Chinese replica bike and strong enough to hold onto my savage oak trunk body for dear life - saw the clothed, prosthetic leg coming the other way. As we passed each other at 110 MPH, we had a completely legitimate, sincere conversation about the importance of service to our country.

Whether you served as a combat veteran or as a recipient of Utz's "Peel Those Potatoes, You Retard Mestizo" Scholarship for the 84th Airborne Division, the important thing is we served for your right to live freely unless we disagree with you, and then we think you should be silenced.

Now watch me play with my Looper.. DIGITECH... Looper"

Balls deep is how I take it


Just another timely coincidental happening. This man truly has a magical life

"The most valuable thing you can give your children is YOUR TIME"

takes 4 hours out of his day to put together retarded facebook posts about how much of a great dad he is

The most valuable thing you can give your children is a loving and stable home with a mother and a father both present. Smashing your wife with a frying pan prevents this from happening.

Layla noticed he had a lieutenant Dan Magic Leg

Yeah because your daughter has seen Forrest Gump, but still doesnt know what a prothesis is. Make your shit even MORE unbelievable. Faggot.

That comment makes me wonder if Opie’s daughter accidentally got on his bike instead.


This is as long as Anthony’s book.

And just as honest.

Something tells me he just learned how to use “impress” in this context and decided to write a Mo Jo essay around it.

Homeless people have more rights to bother people.

What a fucking tool.Holy shit!This has to be a troll.

What the hell does disrespecting police have to do with military service?

And how is military service representative of the importance of independent thought? That’s completely antithetical to what the military is all about.


"Actually, Sir, I don't really want to charge that enemy machine gun nest. It seems like a kind of stupid thing to do in the grand scheme of things. I want to help you guys out but I don't want to get killed doing it. If it's all the same to you, I'm going to sit this one out."

"I chopped potatoes at a fort in Arizona."

Beautiful state.

I can never make it through an entire Joe post where he goes on and on like this. Ponderous, fucking ponderous.

Lol he has to shoehorn that peacetime service is the same as going to war

Do you know how many times Joe cut himself peeling potatoes? Show some goddamn respect.

Joe "Whether you were a cook or a Ranger, we all are pretty much the same" Cumia

This 65 year old deadbeat is writing FB posts to other people his age on how to be a good parent. Most people in his age group probably have 30 year old children who have careers and children of their own, but this fucking loser feels the needs to give them parenting tips that a 22 year old would find trite. His daughter is going to hate him if she doesn’t already.

Layla Golightly

" makes you just a little more determined, focused, and capable than the average non-Vet."

This is true in many cases, just not in Joe's.

He wishes.

Serving time in the Military does something to everyone who's been there

"There" in this case being the Peeling Ward of the MAS*Hed Potatoes Unit.

There is NO WAY I am reading all that shit

Whether you served in peace time or during conflict.

Lol of course he had to get that one in there. This fucking bum is so transparent in everything he does.

this didn't happen /thread

Sweet dear god, what an outstanding and incomprehensible embarrassment

Holy shit this fucking wash womans blogs are exhausting.

"Teach your kids to THINK independently." Just wait till your daughter makes a joke when she's older about some Republican.

Most veterans would have realized why the guy lost it, realize he probably gets asked the question 50 thousand times a day, and decided to leave him be. Joe asked him for the sole purpose of being able to tell the one legged guy that HE SERVED TOO! What a fucking attention whore. I’m in the military and have never deployed and I try not to tell random people because it’s awkward as fuck getting thanked for your service when you haven’t done anything . The fact that Joe walks around trying to get people to thank him is so opposite of what the military should stand for. He volunteered, he got paid, he came home in one piece, move on. Reminisce with your boys when you see them but don’t expect society to treat you like a superhero.

I’m in the military

Thank you for your service

About time someone showed some respect for someone who wrote a blank check made out to “freedom”

Ol brutally honest ass nigga

The most valuable thing you can give to your child is YOUR TIME

And yet you still idolize the father who happily abandoned you and your siblings when he moved across the country to go play cowboy in the desert with a bunch of burly Mexicans.

But Joe, you don't teach your daughter to think independently! You indoctrinate her with your Fox news talking points and long winded, mastubatory rants day in and day out. Fucking retard.

serving during peace time or during conflict is the same thing

No, I'm pretty sure it's a lot different when people are actually shooting and bombing you.

He's right though. Those men that withstood constant German artillery strikes in some foxhole in Bastogne are in the same bracket as him and his unit, a group of guys who ran the risk of a variety of burns, cuts and profuse sweating in the Fort Bragg kitchen.

Peeling potatoes and making mac and cheese for some reserves in the chow tent.

Peeling your fellow solider’s mangled body off of you while taking machine gun fire because you were hit with an IED.

Same thing, guys!!!

Think independently unless it goes against the previous paragraphs of bullshit I just typed. Then you better do as I say!

This reads like Joe was unaware of the guy being uncomfortable talking about it and embarrassed for Joe.

Joe "Virtuous" Cumia is at it again. I'm glad he took 3 hours out of his day of leeching to write this.

What the fuck dver happened to "we dont talk about it?!" JewU can't wait to blab about jumping off a wooden replica of an airplane 10 feet off the ground in peacetime nonetheless! Potato peeling faggot.

I'm not reading that

Why does anyone think that this retard actually had this conversation in real life. Everything he posts is made up bullshit, just like his nigger brother.

And I tell my daughter to never be an officer or join the military because she’s better than that.