Anthony gets upset that Cheerios commercials don't represent black families properly

1  2018-11-12 by JohnTheGreat78

Seeing a fake black dad with a fake black daughter eating cereal in a commercial infuriates Anthony, those Hollywood liberals and their propaganda went too far.


What's everyone's favorite WIC cereal?

Mines is multi grain cheerios or dora the explorer

I had to google what WIC cereal is. Wow you’re trash.

oooh boy admitting to being on welfare so you can intentionally provoke abuse from the users of /r/opieandanthony, who could have seen this coming?

I lovvveee trolling white boys

Your relationship history of being with abusive men who go as far as to rape you and have their friends rape you indicates that this goes far beyond run of the mill trolling, your self esteem is in the gutter

I'm very rapeable i can't help it

You sure are.

cheerios sucks anyways. why buy a cereal and then have to put like 4 tablespoons of sugar just to make it edible?